Wrapper Algorithm for All Relevant Feature Selection

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Documentation for package ‘Boruta’ version 8.0.0

Help Pages

attStats Extract attribute statistics
Boruta Feature selection with the Boruta algorithm
Boruta.default Feature selection with the Boruta algorithm
Boruta.formula Feature selection with the Boruta algorithm
conditionalTransdapter Conditional transdapter
decohereTransdapter Decohere transdapter
getConfirmedFormula Export Boruta result as a formula
getImpExtra ranger Extra-trees importance adapters
getImpExtraGini ranger Extra-trees importance adapters
getImpExtraRaw ranger Extra-trees importance adapters
getImpExtraZ ranger Extra-trees importance adapters
getImpFerns Random Ferns importance
getImpLegacyRf randomForest importance adapters
getImpLegacyRfGini randomForest importance adapters
getImpLegacyRfRaw randomForest importance adapters
getImpLegacyRfZ randomForest importance adapters
getImpRf ranger Random Forest importance adapters
getImpRfGini ranger Random Forest importance adapters
getImpRfRaw ranger Random Forest importance adapters
getImpRfZ ranger Random Forest importance adapters
getImpXgboost Xgboost importance
getLegacyImpRfRaw randomForest importance adapters
getNonRejectedFormula Export Boruta result as a formula
getSelectedAttributes Extract names of the selected attributes
imputeTransdapter Impute transdapter
plot.Boruta Plot Boruta object
plotImpHistory Plot Boruta object as importance history
print.Boruta Print Boruta object
srx Small redundant XOR data
TentativeRoughFix Rough fix of Tentative attributes