BootWPTOS {BootWPTOS} | R Documentation |
Compute test of stationarity for time series via bootstrap wavelet packet method.
Computes b-spectrum (wavelet packet periodogram) for predefined set of wavelet packets on time series. Then applies bootstrap method to resample new versions of the (assumed for the test) stationary series and retests the series. If the value of the test statistic is out of line (bigger) than the resampled test statistics then the series might well not be stationary.
BootWPTOS(x, levs, indices, filter.number = 1, family = "DaubExPhase",
Bsims = 200, lapplyfn = lapply, ret.all = FALSE)
x |
The time series you wish to test. Length is a power of two |
levs |
The levels of the wavelet packets that you want to involve in the test. |
indices |
The indices of the wavelet packets that you want to involve in the test. |
filter.number |
The filter number of the wavelet that underlies the wavelet packet. |
family |
The family of the wavelet that underlies the wavelet packet used for the test. |
Bsims |
The number of bootstrap simulations. |
lapplyfn |
By default this argument is the |
ret.all |
If |
Function computes a test statistic for test of stationarity
on a time series. Then successive bootstrap realizations are
drawn using the surrogate
function. If the original time
series WAS stationary then surrogate
causes stationary
draws with the same spectral characteristic as the data to be
produced (with Gaussian marginals). Under the null hypothesis
the time series is assumed stationary and so the distribution of
all of the test statistics should be the same and the p-value
of the test statistic be uniformly distributed. If the series
is nonstationary then the value of the statistic is likely
to be bigger on the first computed test statistic on the dats
and much bigger than all the others. We can work out a bootstrap
p-value by counting how many resampled test statistics are bigger
than the one computed on the data.
Normally a list, cast as a htest
class object with the
following components:
statistic |
The test statistic computed on the data |
p.value |
The bootstrap p.value of the test. |
method |
The name of the method of this test statistic. | |
The name of the data set tested. |
Bootvals |
The remaining bootstrap generated test statistics. |
G.P. Nason
Cardinali, A. and Nason, G.P. (2016) Practical Powerful Wavelet Packet Tests for Second-Order Stationarity. Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2016 doi:10.1016/j.acha.2016.06.006
See Also
# Generate a stationary time series (e.g. iid standard normals)
x <- rnorm(512)
# What would be the finest scale?
J <- IsPowerOfTwo(length(x))
#[1] 9
# So, in WaveThresh there are 9 scales indexed 0 to 8.
# Let us test x for stationarity
# The finest scale wavelets (or packets) are at scale 8
# The next finest scale is 7.
# Wavelets themselves are always indexed 1, father wavelets 0.
# We don't tend to use father wavelets for stationary testing.
# There are 2^j packets at scale J-j (so 2 at the finest [father and
# mother], 4 at the next finest [father=0, mother=1, packets 2 and 3].
# Let's just look at the finest scale wavelet (8,1) and the next finest
# scale wavelet (7,1) and two other wavelet packets (7,2) and (7,3)
x.test <- BootWPTOS(x=x, levs=c(8,7,7,7), indices=c(1,1,2,3), Bsims=30)
# Note: Bsims=30 is almost certainly too small (but it is small here because
# on installation R run these examples and I don't want it to take too long.
# 100+ is almost certainly necessary, and probably 500+ useful and 1000+
# to be "sure". If you can load the multicore library then you can
# replace lapplyfn=lapply with lapplyfn=mclapply to get a parallel processing
# What are the results of our test?
# WPBootTOS test of stationarity
#data: x
#= 1.8096, p-value = 0.7
# So, the p-value is > 0.05 so this test indicates that there is
# no evidence for non-stationarity. Running it for 1000 bootstrap simulations
# gave a p-vale of 0.736.
# The next example is nonstationary. However, after the series has been
# generated you should plot it. The second half has a different variance
# to the first half but it is very difficult, usually, to identify the
# different variances on a plot.
x2 <- c(rnorm(256), rnorm(256,sd=1.4))
# Let's do a test, but involve ALL non-father-wavelet packets from scales
# 8, 7, 6 and 5.
x2.test <- BootWPTOS(x=x2, levs=c(8,7,7,7,rep(6,7), rep(5,15)),
indices=c(1,1,2,3, 1:7, 1:15), Bsims=30)
# WPBootTOS test of stationarity
#data: x2
#= 5.4362, p-value < 2.2e-16
# So, strong evidence for nonstationarity because p.value < 0.05 (much less
# than!). Again here we've only use 30 bootstrap simulations and this is
# probably too small. Using Bsims=1000 and mclapply (for speed) gave a p-value
# of 0.002, so still assessed to be nonstationary, but we have more confidence
# in the answer.