Bootstrap-MRMR Technique for Informative Gene Selection

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Documentation for package ‘BootMRMR’ version 0.1

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bmrmr.pval.cutoff Selection of informative geneset based on statistical significance value using Bootstrap-MRMR technique
bmrmr.weight.cutoff Selection of informative geneset using gene weights obtained from the Bootstrap-MRMR technique
bootmr.weight Computation of weights for informative genes/ geneset selection using Bootstrap-MRMR technique
geneslect.f Informative gene set selection using F-score
mbmr.pval.cutoff Selection of informative geneset based on statistical significance value using Modified Bootstrap MRMR technique
mbmr.weight.cutoff Identification of informative geneset based on weights obtained from Modified Bootstrap-MRMR technique
mrmr.cutoff Informative geneset selection using MRMR weights
pval.bmrmr Compuation of statistical significance values for genes using Bootstrap-MRMR technique
pval.mbmr Computation of statistical significance values for genes using Modified Bootstrap MRMR technique for a particular trait/condition
rice_salt A gene expression dataset of rice under salinity stress
topsis.meth Selection of optimal gene selection method(s)/method(s) through multi-criteria decision analysis
weight.mbmr Computation of weights for informative gene selection using Modified Bootstrap MRMR technique
Weights.mrmr Computation of MRMR weights for gene selection