loadNetwork {BoolNet} | R Documentation |
Load a Boolean network from a file
Loads a Boolean network or probabilistic Boolean network from a file and converts it to an internal transition table representation.
bodySeparator = ",",
lowercaseGenes = FALSE,
symbolic = FALSE)
file |
The name of the file to be read |
bodySeparator |
An optional separation character to divide the target factors and the formulas. Default is ",". |
lowercaseGenes |
If set to |
symbolic |
If set to |
Depending on whether the network is loaded in truth table representation or not, the supported network file formats differ slightly.
For the truth table representation (symbolic=FALSE
), the language basically consists of expressions based on the Boolean operators AND (&), or (|), and NOT (!). In addition, some convenience operators are included (see EBNF and operator description below).
The first line contains a header. In case of a Boolean network with only one function per gene, the header is "targets, functions"; in a probabilistic network, there is an optional third column "probabilities". All subsequent lines contain Boolean rules or comment lines that are omitted by the parser.
A rule consists of a target gene, a separator, a Boolean expression to calculate a transition step for the target gene, and an optional probability for the rule (for probabilistic Boolean networks only – see below).
The EBNF description of the network file format is as follows:
Network = Header Newline {Rule Newline | Comment Newline}; Header = "targets" Separator "factors"; Rule = GeneName Separator BooleanExpression [Separator Probability]; Comment = "#" String; BooleanExpression = GeneName | "!" BooleanExpression | "(" BooleanExpression ")" | BooleanExpression " & " BooleanExpression | BooleanExpression " | " BooleanExpression; | "all(" BooleanExpression {"," BooleanExpression} ")" | "any(" BooleanExpression {"," BooleanExpression} ")" | "maj(" BooleanExpression {"," BooleanExpression} ")" | "sumgt(" BooleanExpression {"," BooleanExpression} "," Integer ")" | "sumlt(" BooleanExpression {"," BooleanExpression} "," Integer ")"; GeneName = ? A gene name from the list of involved genes ?; Separator = ","; Integer = ? An integer value?; Probability = ? A floating-point number ?; String = ? Any sequence of characters (except a line break) ?; Newline = ? A line break character ?;
The extended format for Boolean networks with temporal elements that can be loaded if symbolic=TRUE
additionally allows for a specification of time steps. Furthermore, the operators can be extended with iterators that evaluate their arguments over multiple time steps.
Network = Header Newline {Function Newline | Comment Newline}; Header = "targets" Separator "factors"; Function = GeneName Separator BooleanExpression; Comment = "#" String; BooleanExpression = GeneName | GeneName TemporalSpecification | BooleanOperator | TemporalOperator BooleanOperator = BooleanExpression | "!" BooleanExpression | "(" BooleanExpression ")" | BooleanExpression " & " BooleanExpression | BooleanExpression " | " BooleanExpression; TemporalOperator = "all" [TemporalIteratorDef] "(" BooleanExpression {"," BooleanExpression} ")" | "any" [TemporalIteratorDef] "(" BooleanExpression {"," BooleanExpression} ")" | "maj" [TemporalIteratorDef] "(" BooleanExpression {"," BooleanExpression} ")" | "sumgt" [TemporalIteratorDef] "(" BooleanExpression {"," BooleanExpression} "," Integer ")" | "sumlt" [TemporalIteratorDef] "(" BooleanExpression {"," BooleanExpression} "," Integer ")" | "timeis" "(" Integer ")" | "timegt" "(" Integer ")" | "timelt" "(" Integer ")"; TemporalIteratorDef = "[" TemporalIterator "=" Integer ".." Integer "]"; TemporalSpecification = "[" TemporalOperand {"+" TemporalOperand | "-" TemporalOperand} "]"; TemporalOperand = TemporalIterator | Integer TemporalIterator = ? An alphanumeric string ?; GeneName = ? A gene name from the list of involved genes ?; Separator = ","; Integer = ? An integer value?; String = ? Any sequence of characters (except a line break) ?; Newline = ? A line break character ?;
The meaning of the operators is as follows:
Equivalent to a conjunction of all arguments. For symbolic networks, the operator can have a time range, in which case the arguments are evaluated for each time point specified in the iterator.
Equivalent to a disjunction of all arguments. For symbolic networks, the operator can have a time range, in which case the arguments are evaluated for each time point specified in the iterator.
Evaluates to true if the majority of the arguments evaluate to true. For symbolic networks, the operator can have a time range, in which case the arguments are evaluated for each time point specified in the iterator.
Evaluates to true if the number of arguments (except the last) that evaluate to true is greater than the number specified in the last argument. For symbolic networks, the operator can have a time range, in which case the arguments are evaluated for each time point specified in the iterator.
Evaluates to true if the number of arguments (except the last) that evaluate to true is less than the number specified in the last argument. For symbolic networks, the operator can have a time range, in which case the arguments are evaluated for each time point specified in the iterator.
Evaluates to true if the current absolute time step (i.e. number of state transitions performed from the current start state) is the same as the argument.
Evaluates to true if the current absolute time step (i.e. number of state transitions performed from the current start state) is the less than the argument.
Evaluates to true if the current absolute time step (i.e. number of state transitions performed from the current start state) is greater than the argument.
If symbolic=FALSE
and there is exactly one rule for each gene, a Boolean network of class BooleanNetwork
is created. In these networks, constant genes are automatically fixed (e.g. knocked-out or over-expressed). This means that they are always set to the constant value, and states with the complementary value are not considered in transition tables etc. If you would like to change this behaviour, use fixGenes
to reset the fixing.
If symbolic=FALSE
and two or more rules exist for the same gene, the function returns a probabilistic network of class ProbabilisticBooleanNetwork
. In this case, alternative rules may be annotated with probabilities, which must sum up to 1 for all rules that belong to the same gene. If no probabilities are supplied, uniform distribution is assumed.
If symbolic=TRUE
, a symbolic representation of a (possibly temporal) Boolean network of class SymbolicBooleanNetwork
is created.
If symbolic=FALSE
and only one function per gene is specified, a structure of class BooleanNetwork
representing the network is returned. It has the following components:
genes |
A vector of gene names involved in the network. This list determines the indices of genes in inputs of functions or in state bit vectors. |
interactions |
A list with
fixed |
A vector specifying which genes are knocked-out or over-expressed. For each gene, there is one element which is set to 0 if the gene is knocked-out, to 1 if the gene is over-expressed, and to -1 if the gene is not fixed at all, i. e. can change its value according to the supplied transition function. Constant genes are automatically set to fixed values. |
If symbolic=FALSE
and there is at least one gene with two or more alternative transition functions, a structure of class ProbabilisticBooleanNetwork
is returned. This structure is similar to BooleanNetwork
, but allows for storing more than one function in an interaction. It consists of the following components:
genes |
A vector of gene names involved in the network. This list determines the indices of genes in inputs of functions or in state bit vectors. |
interactions |
A list with
fixed |
A vector specifying which genes are knocked-out or over-expressed. For each gene, there is one element which is set to 0 if the gene is knocked-out, to 1 if the gene is over-expressed, and to -1 if the gene is not fixed at all, i. e. can change its value according to the supplied transition function. You can knock-out and over-express genes using |
If symbolic=TRUE
, a structure of class SymbolicBooleanNetwork
that represents the network as expression trees is returned. It has the following components:
genes |
A vector of gene names involved in the network. This list determines the indices of genes in inputs of functions or in state bit vectors. |
interactions |
A list with |
internalStructs |
A pointer referencing an internal representation of the expression trees as raw C objects. This is used for simulations and must be set to NULL if |
timeDelays |
An integer vector storing the temporal memory sizes required for each of the genes in the network. That is, the vector stores the minimum number of predecessor states of each gene that need to be saved to determine the successor state of the network. |
fixed |
A vector specifying which genes are knocked-out or over-expressed. For each gene, there is one element which is set to 0 if the gene is knocked-out, to 1 if the gene is over-expressed, and to -1 if the gene is not fixed at all, i. e. can change its value according to the supplied transition function. Constant genes are automatically set to fixed values. |
See Also
, simulateSymbolicModel
, markovSimulation
, stateTransition
, fixGenes
, loadSBML
, loadBioTapestry
## Not run:
# write example network to file
fil <- tempfile(pattern = "testNet")
cat("targets, factors\n")
cat("Gene1, !Gene2 | !Gene3\n")
cat("Gene2, Gene3 & Gene4\n")
cat("Gene3, Gene2 & !Gene1\n")
cat("Gene4, 1\n")
# read file
net <- loadNetwork(fil)
## End(Not run)