normgcp {Bolstad}R Documentation

Bayesian inference on a normal mean with a general continuous prior


Evaluates and plots the posterior density for μ\mu, the mean of a normal distribution, with a general continuous prior on μ\mu


  sigma.x = NULL,
  density = c("uniform", "normal", "flat", "user"),
  params = NULL, = 50,
  mu = NULL,
  mu.prior = NULL,



a vector of observations from a normal distribution with unknown mean and known std. deviation.


the population std. deviation of the normal distribution


distributional form of the prior density can be one of: "normal", "unform", or "user".


if density = "normal" then params must contain at least a mean and possible a std. deviation. If a std. deviation is not specified then sigma.x will be used as the std. deviation of the prior. If density = "uniform" then params must contain a minimum and a maximum value for the uniform prior. If a maximum and minimum are not specified then a U[0,1]U[0,1] prior is used

the number of possible μ\mu values in the prior


a vector of possibilities for the probability of success in a single trial. Must be set if density="user"


the associated prior density. Must be set if density="user"


additional arguments that are passed to Bolstad.control


A list will be returned with the following components:


the scaled likelihood function for μ\mu given xx and σx\sigma_x


the posterior probability of μ\mu given xx and σ\sigma


the vector of possible μ\mu values used in the prior


the associated probability mass for the values in μ\mu

See Also

normdp normnp


## generate a sample of 20 observations from a N(-0.5,1) population
x = rnorm(20,-0.5,1)

## find the posterior density with a uniform U[-3,3] prior on mu
normgcp(x, 1, params = c(-3, 3))

## find the posterior density with a non-uniform prior on mu
mu = seq(-3, 3, by = 0.1)
mu.prior = rep(0, length(mu))
mu.prior[mu <= 0] = 1 / 3 + mu[mu <= 0] /9
mu.prior[mu > 0] = 1 / 3 - mu[mu > 0] / 9
normgcp(x, 1, density = "user", mu = mu, mu.prior = mu.prior)

## find the CDF for the previous example and plot it
## Note the syntax for sintegral has changed
results = normgcp(x,1,density="user",mu=mu,mu.prior=mu.prior)
cdf = sintegral(mu,results$posterior,n.pts=length(mu))$cdf

## use the CDF for the previous example to find a 95%
## credible interval for mu. Thanks to John Wilkinson for this simplified code

lcb = cdf$x[with(cdf,which.max(x[y<=0.025]))]
ucb = cdf$x[with(cdf,which.max(x[y<=0.975]))]
cat(paste("Approximate 95% credible interval : ["
           ,round(lcb,4)," ",round(ucb,4),"]\n",sep=""))

## use the CDF from the previous example to find the posterior mean
## and std. deviation
dens = mu*results$posterior
post.mean = sintegral(mu,dens)$value

dens = (mu-post.mean)^2*results$posterior
post.var = sintegral(mu,dens)$value = sqrt(post.var)

## use the mean and std. deviation from the previous example to find
## an approximate 95% credible interval
lb = post.mean-qnorm(0.975)*
ub = post.mean+qnorm(0.975)*

cat(paste("Approximate 95% credible interval : ["
   ,round(lb,4)," ",round(ub,4),"]\n",sep=""))

## repeat the last example but use the new summary functions for the posterior
results = normgcp(x, 1, density = "user", mu = mu, mu.prior = mu.prior)

## use the cdf function to get the cdf and plot it
postCDF = cdf(results) ## note this is a function
plot(results$mu, postCDF(results$mu), type="l", xlab = expression(mu[0]),
     ylab = expression(Pr(mu <= mu[0])))

## use the quantile function to get a 95% credible interval
ci = quantile(results, c(0.025, 0.975))

## use the mean and sd functions to get the posterior mean and standard deviation
postMean = mean(results)
postSD = sd(results)

## use the mean and std. deviation from the previous example to find
## an approximate 95% credible interval
ciApprox = postMean + c(-1,1) * qnorm(0.975) * postSD

[Package Bolstad version 0.2-41 Index]