BlakerCI-package |
Blaker's binomial and Poisson confidence limits |
binom.blaker.acc |
Blaker's binomial acceptability function, optionally unimodalized. |
binom.blaker.acc.single.p |
Internal functions, not expected to be called by the user. |
binom.blaker.limits |
Blaker's binomial confidence limits |
binom.blaker.lower.limit |
Internal functions, not expected to be called by the user. |
binom.blaker.VHadj.acc |
Blaker's binomial acceptability function with Vos-Hudson adjustment. |
binom.blaker.VHadj.limits |
Vos-Hudson adjustment of Blaker's binomial confidence limits |
binom.blaker.VHadj.lower.limit |
Internal functions, not expected to be called by the user. |
BlakerCI |
Blaker's binomial and Poisson confidence limits |
BlakerCI-internal |
Internal functions, not expected to be called by the user. |
poisson.blaker.acc |
Blaker's Poisson acceptability function, optionally unimodalized. |
poisson.blaker.acc.single.p |
Internal functions, not expected to be called by the user. |
poisson.blaker.limits |
Blaker's Poisson confidence limits |
poisson.blaker.lower.limit |
Internal functions, not expected to be called by the user. |
poisson.blaker.upper.limit |
Internal functions, not expected to be called by the user. |