Blaker's Binomial and Poisson Confidence Limits

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Documentation for package ‘BlakerCI’ version 1.0-6

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BlakerCI-package Blaker's binomial and Poisson confidence limits
binom.blaker.acc Blaker's binomial acceptability function, optionally unimodalized.
binom.blaker.acc.single.p Internal functions, not expected to be called by the user.
binom.blaker.limits Blaker's binomial confidence limits
binom.blaker.lower.limit Internal functions, not expected to be called by the user.
binom.blaker.VHadj.acc Blaker's binomial acceptability function with Vos-Hudson adjustment.
binom.blaker.VHadj.limits Vos-Hudson adjustment of Blaker's binomial confidence limits
binom.blaker.VHadj.lower.limit Internal functions, not expected to be called by the user.
BlakerCI Blaker's binomial and Poisson confidence limits
BlakerCI-internal Internal functions, not expected to be called by the user.
poisson.blaker.acc Blaker's Poisson acceptability function, optionally unimodalized.
poisson.blaker.acc.single.p Internal functions, not expected to be called by the user.
poisson.blaker.limits Blaker's Poisson confidence limits
poisson.blaker.lower.limit Internal functions, not expected to be called by the user.
poisson.blaker.upper.limit Internal functions, not expected to be called by the user.