{BivRec}R Documentation

Deprecated: Use bivrecNP


Deprecated function from the previous version. Use ⁠bivrecNP⁠.

Usage, data, CI, ai, u1, u2, conditional, given.interval)



A formula with six variables indicating the bivariate alternating gap time

response on the left of the ~ operator and the covariates on the right.

The six variables on the left must have the same length and be given as

⁠id + episode + xij + yij + d1 + d2 ~ 1⁠, where:

  • ⁠id⁠: Vector of subject's unique identifier (i).

  • ⁠episode⁠: Vector indicating the observation or episode (j) for a subject (i). This will determine order of events for each subject.

  • ⁠xij⁠: Vector with the lengths of time spent in event of Type I for individual i in episode j.

  • ⁠yij⁠: Vector with the lengths of time spent in event of Type II for individual i in episode j.

  • ⁠d1⁠: Vector of censoring indicator corresponding to Type I gap times (xij): = 1 for uncensored, and = 0 for censored gap times.

  • ⁠d2⁠: Vector of censoring indicator corresponding to Type II gap times (yij): = 1 for uncensored, and = 0 for censored gap times.


A data frame that includes all the vectors listed in the formula.


The level for confidence intervals the joint cdf, marginal survival and conditional cdf. Must be between 0.50 and 0.99. Default is 0.95.


See details.


A vector or single number to be used for the estimation of joint cdf P(Type I gap times \le u1, Type II gap times \le u2) in the nonparametric method.


A vector or single number to be used for the estimation of joint cdf P(Type I gap times \le u1, Type II gap times \le u2) in the nonparametric method.


A logical value. If TRUE, this function will calculate the conditional cdf for the Type II gap time given an interval of the Type I gap time and the bootstrap standard error and confidence interval at the specified confidence level. Default is FALSE.


A vector c(v1, v2) that must be specified if conditional = TRUE. The vector indicates an interval for the Type I gap time to use for the estimation of the cdf of the Type II gap time given this interval. If given.interval = c(v1, v2), the function calculates P(Type II gap times \le y | v1 \le Type I gap times \le v2). The given values v1 and v2 must be in the range of gap times in the estimated marginal survival.


⁠ai⁠ indicates a real non-negative function of censoring times to be used as weights in the nonparametric method. This variable can take on values of 1 or 2 which indicate:


See ⁠bivrecNP⁠.


Huang CY, Wang MC. (2005). Nonparametric estimation of the bivariate recurrence time distribution. Biometrics, 61: 392-402. doi: 10.1111/j.1541-0420.2005.00328.x

[Package BivRec version 1.2.1 Index]