soybean {BioCro}R Documentation

Soybean-BioCro model definition


Initial values, parameters, direct modules, differential modules, and a differential equation solver that can be used to run soybean growth simulations in Champaign, Illinois and other locations. Along with the soybean circadian clock specifications (soybean_clock), these values define the soybean growth model of Matthews et al. (2022) [doi:10.1093/insilicoplants/diab032], which is commonly referred to as Soybean-BioCro.

To represent soybean growth in Champaign, IL, these values must be paired with the Champaign weather data (cmi_soybean_weather_data). This weather data includes the output from the soybean circadian clock model (soybean_clock), so the clock components do not need to be included when running a soybean growth simulation using this weather data. The parameters already include the clay_loam values from the soil_parameters dataset, which is the appropriate soil type for Champaign.

Some specifications, such as the values of photosynthetic parameters, would remain the same in any location; others, such as the latitude or longitude, would need to change when simulating crop growth in different locations. Care must be taken to understand each input quantity before attempting to run simulations in other places or for other cultivars.




A list of 5 named elements that are suitable for passing to run_biocro, as described in the help page for crop_model_definitions.


As improvements are made to the BioCro modules, their behavior changes, and the soybean model parameters must be updated. Following significant module updates, reparameterization is performed using the same method and data as used in Matthews et al. (2022). The following is a summary of reparameterizations that have occurred since the original publication of the Soybean-BioCro model:

Whenever a reparameterization is made, this list should be updated, and any vignettes using the soybean model should be checked to see if any axis limits, etc., need to change.


This model is described in detail in Matthews et al. (2022) [doi:10.1093/insilicoplants/diab032]. Here we make a few notes about some of its components:

See Also

[Package BioCro version 3.1.3 Index]