obsBea {BioCro}R Documentation

Miscanthus assimilation field data


Assimilation in Miscanthus as measured in Beale, Bint, and Long 1996. The first column is the observed net assimilation rate (micromoles m^-2 s^-1). The second column is the observed quantum flux (micromoles m^-2 s^-1). The third column is the temperature (degrees Celsius). Relative humidity was not reported and thus was assumed to be 0.7.


Data frame of dimensions 27 by 4.


C. V. Beale, D. A. Bint, S. P. Long. 1996. Leaf photosynthesis in the C4-grass Miscanthus x giganteus, growing in the cool temperate climate of southern England. J. Exp. Bot. 47 (2): 267–273.

[Package BioCro version 3.1.3 Index]