BioCircosArcTrack {BioCircos}R Documentation

Create a track with arcs to be added to a BioCircos tracklist


Arcs are defined by beginning and ending genomic coordinates


BioCircosArcTrack(trackname, chromosomes, starts, ends,
  colors = "#40B9D4", labels = "", opacities = 1, maxRadius = 0.9,
  minRadius = 0.5, ...)



The name of the new track.


A vector containing the chromosomes on which each arc is found. Values should match the chromosome names given in the genome parameter of the BioCircos function.

starts, ends

Vectors containing the coordinates on which each arc begins or ends. Values should be inferior to the chromosome lengths given in the genome parameter of the BioCircos function.


The colors for each arc. Can be a RColorBrewer palette name used to generate one color per arc, or a character object or vector of character objects stating RGB values in hexadecimal format or base R colors. If the vector is shorter than the number of arcs, values will be repeated.


One or multiple character objects to label each arc.


One or multiple opacity values for the arcs, between 0 and 1.

minRadius, maxRadius

Where the track should begin and end, in proportion of the inner radius of the plot.




BioCircos(BioCircosArcTrack('ArcTrack', chromosomes = 1:5, starts = 2e+7*1:5, ends = 2.5e+7*2:6))

[Package BioCircos version 0.3.4 Index]