Creates, Merges, and Reads Binary Dosage Files

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Documentation for package ‘BinaryDosage’ version 1.0.0

Help Pages

bdapply Apply a function to each SNP in a binary dosage file
bdmerge Merge binary dosage files together
genapply Apply a function to each SNP in a gen, impute2, file
gentobd Convert a gen file to a binary dosage file
getaaf Calculate alternate allele frequency
getbdinfo Get information about a binary dosage file
getgeninfo Get information about a gen, impute2, file
getmaf Calculate minor allele frequency
getrsq Calculate imputation r squared
getsnp Read SNP data from a binary dosage file
getvcfinfo Get information about a vcf file
vcfapply Apply a function to each SNP in a vcf file
vcftobd Convert a VCF file to a binary dosage file