bdapply |
Apply a function to each SNP in a binary dosage file |
bdmerge |
Merge binary dosage files together |
genapply |
Apply a function to each SNP in a gen, impute2, file |
gentobd |
Convert a gen file to a binary dosage file |
getaaf |
Calculate alternate allele frequency |
getbdinfo |
Get information about a binary dosage file |
getgeninfo |
Get information about a gen, impute2, file |
getmaf |
Calculate minor allele frequency |
getrsq |
Calculate imputation r squared |
getsnp |
Read SNP data from a binary dosage file |
getvcfinfo |
Get information about a vcf file |
vcfapply |
Apply a function to each SNP in a vcf file |
vcftobd |
Convert a VCF file to a binary dosage file |