Plot Functions for Use in Bibliometrics

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Documentation for package ‘BibPlots’ version 0.0.8

Help Pages

beamplot Create a beamplot using raw citations from a WoS download
beamplot_scopus Create a beamplot using raw citations from a Scopus download
DAMBibPlot Create a difference against mean plot using journal and paper percentile values
example_researcher Example data set from publication for scatter plot and difference against mean plot
inv_perc_beamplot Create a beamplot using inverted percentile values
jpscatter Create a scatter plot using journal and paper percentile values
ncr_comp Create a spectrogram using data from the free software CRExplorer
perc_beamplot Create a beamplot using percentile values
rpys Create a spectrogram using data from the free software CRExplorer
rpys_bl Create a spectrogram with bars and lines using data from the free software CRExplorer
rpys_example_data Example data set for the rpys function