BeyondBenford-package | Compare the goodness of fit of Benford's and Blondeau Da Silva's digit distributions to a given dataset |
address_AixesurVienne | Street addresses of Aixe-sur-Vienne |
address_Limoges | Street addresses of Limoges |
address_PierreBuffiere | Street addresses of Pierre-Buffiere |
Benf.val | Benford's values |
BeyondBenford | Compare the goodness of fit of Benford's and Blondeau Da Silva's digit distributions to a given dataset |
Blon.val | Blondeau Da Silva's values | | Blondeau Da Silva's standard deviations |
census | Alabama census |
chi2 | Pearson's chi-squared test |
dat.distr | Data distribution |
digit.distr | Distribution of figures in a given position |
obs.numb.dig | Frequency of each figure at a given position |
prep | Data set preparation |
theor.distr.val | Theoretical distribution |