summaryFun {BeeBDC}R Documentation

Create or update the .summary flag column


Using all flag columns (column names starting with "."), this function either creates or updates the .summary flag column which is FALSE when ANY of the flag columns are FALSE. Columns can be excluded and removed after creating the .summary column. Additionally, the occurrence dataset can be filtered to only those where .summary = TRUE at the end of the function.


  data = NULL,
  dontFilterThese = NULL,
  removeFilterColumns = FALSE,
  filterClean = FALSE



A data frame or tibble. Occurrence records to use as input.


A character vector of flag columns to be ignored in the creation or updating of the .summary column.


Logical. If TRUE all columns starting with "." will be removed in the output data. This only makes sense to use when filterClean = TRUE. Default = FALSE.


Logical. If TRUE, the data will be filtered to only those occurrence where .summary = TRUE (i.e., completely clean according to the used flag columns). Default = FALSE.


Returns a data frame or tibble of the input data but modified based on the above parameters.


# Read in example data

# To only update the .summary column
beesFlagged_out <- summaryFun(
    data = beesFlagged,
    dontFilterThese = c(".gridSummary", ".lonFlag", ".latFlag", ".uncer_terms", ".unLicensed"),
    removeFilterColumns = FALSE,
    filterClean = FALSE)
  # View output
table(beesFlagged_out$.summary, useNA = "always")

# Now filter to only the clean data and remove the flag columns
beesFlagged_out <- summaryFun(
  data = BeeBDC::beesFlagged,
  dontFilterThese = c(".gridSummary", ".lonFlag", ".latFlag", ".uncer_terms", ".unLicensed"),
  removeFilterColumns = TRUE,
  filterClean = TRUE)
# View output
table(beesFlagged_out$.summary, useNA = "always")

[Package BeeBDC version 1.1.1 Index]