Bayesiangammareg {Bayesiangammareg} | R Documentation |
Bayesian Gamma Regression: Joint Mean and Shape Modeling
Function to do Bayesian Gamma Regression: Joint Mean and Shape Modeling
Bayesiangammareg(Y, X, Z, nsim, bpri, Bpri, gpri, Gpri, burn, jump,
graph1, graph2, meanlink = "log")
Y |
object of class matrix, with the dependent variable. |
X |
object of class matrix, with the variables for modeling the mean. |
Z |
object of class matrix, with the variables for modeling the shape. |
nsim |
a number that indicate the number of iterations. |
bpri |
a vector with the initial values of beta. |
Bpri |
a matrix with the initial values of the variance of beta. |
gpri |
a vector with the initial values of gamma. |
Gpri |
a matrix with the initial values of the variance of gamma. |
burn |
a proportion that indicate the number of iterations to be burn at the beginning of the chain. |
jump |
a number that indicate the distance between samples of the autocorrelated the chain, to be excluded from the final chain. |
graph1 |
if it is TRUE present the graph of the chains without jump and burn. |
graph2 |
if it is TRUE present the graph of the chains with jump and burn. |
meanlink |
represent the link function, logarithm or identity. |
The Bayesian Gamma regression allows the joint modeling of the mean and the shape of a gamma distributed variable, using a Bayesian estimation algorithm proposed by Cepeda-Cuervo (2001).
object of class bayesiangammareg with:
coefficients |
object of class matrix with the estimated coefficients of beta and gamma. |
desv |
object of class matrix with the estimated desviations of beta and gamma. |
interv |
object of class matrix with the estimated confidence intervals of beta and gamma. |
fitted.values |
object of class matrix with the fitted values of y. |
residuals |
object of class matrix with the residuals of the regression. |
beta.mcmc |
object of class matrix with the complete chains for beta. |
gamma.mcmc |
object of class matrix with the complete chains for gamma. |
beta.mcmc.short |
object of class matrix with the chains for beta after the burned process. |
gamma.mcmc.short |
object of class matrix with the chains for gamma after the burned process. |
call |
Call. |
Arturo Camargo Lozano, Edilberto Cepeda-Cuervo
1. Cepeda-Cuervo E. (2001) Modelagem da variabilidade em modelos lineares generalizados. Ph.D. tesis. Instituto de Matematicas. Universidade Federal do Rio do Janeiro. 2. Cepeda-Cuervo E. and Gamerman D. (2005). Bayesian Methodology for modeling parameters in the two-parameter exponential family. Estadistica 57, 93 105.
X1 <- rep(1,50)
X2 <- runif(50,0,30)
X3 <- runif(50,0,20)
X4 <- runif(50,10,20)
mui <- 15 + 3*X2 + 2*X3
alphai <- exp(3 + 0.15*X2 + 0.15*X4)
Y <- rgamma(50,shape=alphai,scale=mui/alphai)
X <- cbind(X1,X2,X3)
Z <- cbind(X1,X2,X4)
bpri <- c(1,1,1)
Bpri <- diag(10^(3),nrow=ncol(X),ncol=ncol(X))
gpri <- c(0,0,0)
Gpri <- diag(10^(3),nrow=ncol(Z),ncol=ncol(Z))
burn <- 0
jump <- 1
nsim <- 300