R Utilities Accompanying the Software Package BayesX

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Documentation for package ‘BayesX’ version 0.3-3

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BayesX-package R Utilities Accompanying the Software Package BayesX
add.neighbor Add Neighborhood Relations
bnd2gra Convert Boundary Format to Graph Format
bnd2sp Convert sp and bnd format into each other
createxymap Create map objects for some points and a given distance
delete.neighbor Delete Neighborhood Relations
drawmap Drawing Geographical Information
extractSamples Extract MCMC samples from a BayesX results directory
fuse Combine Regions
get.centroids Compute Centroids of Polygons
get.neighbor Obtain Neighbors of Given Regions
gra2nb Convert nb and gra format into each other
hpd Computing Highest Posterior Density (HPD) Intervals
hpd.coda Computing Highest Posterior Density (HPD) Intervals
nb2gra Convert nb and gra format into each other
plotautocor Computing and Plotting Autocorrelation Functions
plotnonp Plotting Nonparametric Function Estimates
plotsample Plotting Sampling Paths
plotsample.coda Plotting Sampling Paths
plotsurf Visualise Surface Estimates
read.bnd Read Geographical Information in Boundary Format
read.gra Read Geographical Information in Graph Format
shp2bnd convert a shape-file into a boundary object
smooth.bnd Round Boundary Information
sp2bnd Convert sp and bnd format into each other
write.bnd Saving Maps in Boundary Format
write.gra Saving Maps in Graph Format