OBICE {BayesVarSel} | R Documentation |
OBICE data
Dataset corresponding to the OBICE study (Zurriaga et al 2011) where factors associated with childhood obesity are studied. The data were collected in 2007 and 2008 through several questionnaries and n=1188 children were enroled in the study. It contains 155 variables. This is a case and control study with 437 cases (obese) and 751 controls (not obese). Purposedly the dataset is distributed without any post-processing hence, many variables may contain unavailable observations coded in different way.
A data frame with 1188 entries and 121 variables. The more relevant are described. Contact us if you need specific information of any other.
- Acostarse
:does he/she eat before going to bed? (yes/no)
- ActFisica
:(physic activity) factor coded as 1 None; 2 less than monthly; 3 less than weekly; 4 less than 2/week; 5 at least 2/week
- ActivDepor
:weekly hours devoted to sports activity
- Almuerzo
- Bebida
:(main dring accompanying the main meal) 1 water tap; 2 bottle water; 3 soda; 4 natural juices; 5 bottle juices; 6 Milk (and derivatives); 7 Other
- Caso01
- Cena
- Chuches
:Sweets and soft drinks weekly consumption (how many times)
- CincoComidas
:does he/she have regularly 5 meals per day? (0 is No; 1 is Yes)
- clSocEl
- clSocElla
- clSocXiquet
- ComedorEsc
- Comida
- Daceite
- Dcereal
- Desayuno
- Descubrimiento
- Dgalleta
- Dislipemias
- DislipeRelacion
- Dleche
- Dotros
- Dpan
- Dzumoenv
- Dzumonat
- Edad
:years old
- EntreHoras
- EstudiosMadre
- EstudiosMadreSinCon
- EstudiosPadre
- EstudiosPadreSinCon
- Faperitivos
- Faperitivosmp
- Farroz
- Farrozmp
- Fcarnes
- Fcarnesmp
- Fchucherias
- Fchucheriasmp
- Fdulces
- Fdulcesmp
- Ffiambres
- Ffiambresmp
- Ffritos
- Ffritosmp
- Ffruta
- Ffrutamp
- Fhuevos
- Fhuevosmp
- Flacteos
- Flacteosmp
- Flegumbres
- Flegumbresmp
- Fpan
- Fpanmp
- Fpescado
- Fpescadomp
- Fprecocina
- Fprecocinamp
- Frefrescos
- Frefrescosmp
- Fruta
:usual consumption of fruit? (0 is No; 1 is Yes)
- FrutaVerdura
- Fverduras
- Fverdurasmp
- HorasPantDia
- HorasPCDiaPond
:daily hours playing videogames and/or in internet (weekends included)
- HorasPCsem1
- HorasPCsem2
- HorasTV
- HorasTVDiaPond
:daily hours watching TV (weekends included)
- HorasTVsem1
- HorasTVsem2
- HoraSuenyo
:daily hours sleeping
- HTARelacion
- IndEdadComedorEscolar
- IntolGlucosa
- IntolRelacion
- LactMater
- LactMaterna
: breast-feeding (1 is Yes; 0 is No)
- LactMatMeses
- LactMatSemanas
- MadreObesa
- MadreObesa01
:is the mother obese? (0 is No; 1 is Yes)
- Merienda
:Afternoon snack (1 is Yes; 0 is No)
- NumComidas
- NumContOK
- NumControles
- NumHnos
- NumHnosOb
- NumPadresEsp02
- NumPadresObesos
- OrdenadorDiario
- OrdenadorFinDe
- OsteoRelacion
- OtrosPatol
- PadreObeso
:is the father obese? (0 is No; 1 is Yes)
- PesoActual
:current weight (in kilograms)
- PesoNac
:weight born (in grams)
- PorcHnosObesos
- porcHnosObesosOK
- Postre
- ProbOsteo
- ProbPsico
- ProbResp
- PsicoRelacion
- ResoponF01
- RespRelacion
- Semlact
- Sexo
:female (1); male (0)
- TallaAct
:current height (in meters)
- TallaNac
:height born (in centimeters)
- Tipocaso
- Tipocaso.y
- TipoObeso
- TVDiario
- TVFinSemana
- Verduras
:usual consumption of vegetables? (0 is No; 1 is Yes)
Zurriaga, O., Perez-Panades, J., Quiles, J. , Gil, M., Anes, Y., Quiñones, C., Margolles, M., Lopez-Maside, A., Vega-Alonso, A., Miralles M. and Recent OBICE Research Group (2011) Factors associated with childhood obesity in Spain. The OBICE study: a case–control study based on sentinel networks. Public Health Nutrition 14(6), 1105–1113.