GibbsBvs {BayesVarSel} | R Documentation |
Bayesian Variable Selection for linear regression models using Gibbs sampling.
Approximate computation of summaries of the posterior distribution using a Gibbs sampling algorithm to explore the model space and frequency of "visits" to construct the estimates.
null.model = paste(as.formula(formula)[[2]], " ~ 1", sep = ""),
prior.betas = "Robust",
prior.models = "ScottBerger",
n.iter = 10000,
init.model = "Full",
n.burnin = 500,
n.thin = 1,
time.test = TRUE,
priorprobs = NULL,
seed = runif(1, 0, 16091956)
formula |
Formula defining the most complex regression model in the analysis. See details. |
data |
data frame containing the data. |
null.model |
A formula defining which is the simplest (null) model. It should be nested in the full model. By default, the null model is defined to be the one with just the intercept. |
prior.betas |
Prior distribution for regression parameters within each model (to be literally specified). Possible choices include "Robust", "Robust.G", "Liangetal", "gZellner", "ZellnerSiow", "FLS", "intrinsic.MGC" and "IHG" (see details). |
prior.models |
Prior distribution over the model space (to be literally specified). Possible choices are "Constant", "ScottBerger" and "User" (see details). |
n.iter |
The total number of iterations performed after the burn in process. |
init.model |
The model at which the simulation process starts. Options
include "Null" (the model only with the covariates specified in
n.burnin |
Length of burn in, i.e. number of iterations to discard at the beginning. |
n.thin |
Thinning rate. Must be a positive integer. Set 'n.thin' > 1
to save memory and computation time if 'n.iter' is large. Default is 1. This
parameter jointly with |
time.test |
If TRUE and the number of variables is large (>=21) a preliminary test to estimate computational time is performed. |
priorprobs |
A p+1 dimensional vector defining the prior probabilities
Pr(M_i) (should be used in the case where |
seed |
A seed to initialize the random number generator |
This is a heuristic approximation to the function
so the details there apply also here.
The algorithm implemented is a Gibbs sampling-based searching algorithm originally proposed by George and McCulloch (1997). Garcia-Donato and Martinez-Beneito (2013) have shown that this simple sampling strategy in combination with estimates based on frequency of visits (the one here implemented) provides very reliable results.
returns an object of class Bvs
with the
following elements:
time |
The internal time consumed in solving the problem |
lmfull |
The |
lmnull |
variables |
The name of all the potential explanatory variables |
n |
Number of observations |
p |
Number of explanatory variables to select from |
k |
Number of fixed variables |
HPMbin |
The binary expression of the most probable model found. |
inclprob |
A named vector with the estimates of the inclusion probabilities of all the variables. |
jointinclprob |
A |
postprobdim |
Estimates of posterior probabilities of the dimension of the true model. |
modelslogBF |
A matrix with both the binary representation of the visited models after the burning period and the Bayes factor (log scale) of that model to the null model. |
priorprobs |
If |
call |
The |
C |
An estimation of the normalizing constant (C=sum Bi Pr(Mi), for Mi in the model space) using the method in George and McCulloch (1997). |
method |
prior.betas |
prior.betas |
prior.models |
prior.models |
priorprobs |
priorprobs |
Gonzalo Garcia-Donato and Anabel Forte
Garcia-Donato, G. and Martinez-Beneito, M.A. (2013)<DOI:10.1080/01621459.2012.742443> On sampling strategies in Bayesian variable selection problems with large model spaces. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 108: 340-352.
George E. and McCulloch R. (1997) Approaches for Bayesian variable selection. Statistica Sinica, 7, 339:372.
See Also
for several plots of the result,
for obtaining model averaged simulations
of regression coefficients and predict.Bvs
See GibbsBvsF
if there are factors among the explanatory variables.
See pltltn
for corrections on estimations for the
situation where p>>n. See the help in pltltn
for an application
in this situation.
Consider Bvs
for exact
version obtained enumerating all entertained models (recommended when
## Not run:
#Analysis of Ozone35 data
#We use here the (Zellner) g-prior for
#regression parameters and constant prior
#over the model space
#In this Gibbs sampling scheme, we perform 10100 iterations,
#of which the first 100 are discharged (burnin) and of the remaining
#only one each 10 is kept.
#as initial model we use the Full model
Oz35.GibbsBvs<- GibbsBvs(formula= y ~ ., data=Ozone35, prior.betas="gZellner",
prior.models="Constant", n.iter=10000, init.model="Full", n.burnin=100,
time.test = FALSE)
#Note: this is a heuristic approach and results are estimates
#of the exact answer.
#with the print we can see which is the most probable model
#among the visited
#The estimation of inclusion probabilities and
#the model-averaged estimation of parameters:
plot(Oz35.GibbsBvs, option="conditional")
## End(Not run)