BayesSurv |
Compute the posterior mean and a credible band for the survival and cumulative hazard, and the posterior mean for the hazard. |
CumhazEval |
Evaluate whether a true cumulative hazard function is contained in the credible set. |
MCMCDepGammaFirst |
Sampler for the first interval for the piecewise exponential prior with dependent Gamma heights. |
MCMCDepGammaIntermediate |
Sampler for the intermediate intervals for the piecewise exponential prior with dependent Gamma heights. |
PlotBayesSurv |
Plot the posterior mean with credible band for the survival function or cumulative hazard, or the posterior mean for the hazard |
RadiusCredibleSet |
Computes the radius of a fixed width credible set for the survival or the cumulative hazard |
ReshapeData |
Reshape right censored data to be used with a piecewise exponential prior. |
SamplePosteriorDepGamma |
Draw samples from the posterior for the hazard, using the piecewise exponential (histogram) prior with dependent Gamma heights |
SamplePosteriorIndepGamma |
Draw samples from the posterior for the hazard, using the piecewise exponential (histogram) prior with independent Gamma heights |
SurvEval |
Evaluate whether a true survival function is contained in the credible set. |
SurvivalFromCumhaz |
Transform posterior draws from the cumulative hazard into posterior draws from the survival. |