Fits the Bayesian Piecewise Linear Log-Hazard Model

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Documentation for package ‘BayesReversePLLH’ version 1.5

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ApproxMean Returns the approximate restricted posterior mean survival for the PLLH model.
BayesPiecewiseHazard Samples from the PEH model without covariates.
BayesPiecewiseHazardCOV Samples from the PEH Cox model with a patient covariate vector.
BayesPiecewiseHazardTrt Samples from the PEH Cox model with a patient covariate vector.
BayesPiecewiseLinearLogHazard Samples from the PLLH model without covariates.
BayesPiecewiseLinearLogHazardCOV Samples from the PLLH Cox model with a patient covariate vector.
BayesPiecewiseLinearLogHazardTrt Samples from the PEH Cox model with a treatment indicator.
GetALLHazLogSlope Computes the posterior distribution of hazard value for a vector x for the Piecewise Linear Log Hazard model (PLLH)
GetALLHazPiece Computes the posterior hazard values for a vector x for the Piecewise Exponential Hazard model (PEH)
GetALLSurvPEH Computes the posterior distribution of survival probabilities for a vector x for the Piecewise Exponential Hazard model (PEH)
GetALLSurvPLLH Computes posterior distribution of survival probabilities for a vector x for the Piecewise Linear Log Hazard model (PLLH)
PostMeanHazLogSlope Computes the posterior mean hazard value for a vector x for the Piecewise Linear Log Hazard model (PLLH)
PostMeanHazPiece Computes the posterior mean hazard values for a vector x for the Piecewise Exponential Hazard model (PEH)
PostMeanSurvPEH Computes the posterior mean survival probabilities for a vector x for the Piecewise Exponential Hazard model (PEH)
PostMeanSurvPLLH Computes the posterior mean survival probabilities for a vector x for the Piecewise Linear Log Hazard model (PLLH)