Bayesian Group Sequential Design for Ordinal Data

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Documentation for package ‘BayesOrdDesign’ version 0.1.2

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Bayes_ord Bayesian ordinal regression analysis Estimate the correlation coefficients of treatment variable, with and without the proportional odds assumption Clinical ordinal endpoints and treatments assignment for 200 patient
get_oc_NPO Generate operating characteristics for Bayesian two-stage trial design of ordinal endpoints without proportional odds assumption
get_oc_PO Generate operating characteristics for Bayesian two-stage trial design of ordinal endpoints with proportional odds assumption
get_oc_Switch Generate operating characteristics for Bayesian two-stage trial design of ordinal endpoints without proportional odds assumption.
rjmcmc_func Perform reversible-jump MCMC post-process to select appropriate model between proportional odds (PO) model and non-proportional odds (NPO) model
ss_npo Determine the sample size for Bayesian two-stage trial design of ordinal endpoints without proportional odds assumption
ss_po Determine the sample size for Bayesian two-stage trial design of ordinal endpoints with proportional odds assumption
ss_switch Determine the sample size for Bayesian two-stage trial design for ordinal endpoints based on switch model