bayes_mode {BayesMultiMode} | R Documentation |
Bayesian mode inference
Bayesian inference on the modes in a univariate mixture estimated with MCMC methods, see Cross et al. (2024).
Provides posterior probabilities of the number of modes and their locations.
Under the hood it calls the function mix_mode()
to find the modes in each MCMC draw.
rd = 1,
tol_mixp = 0,
tol_x = sd(BayesMix$data)/10,
tol_conv = 1e-08,
inside_range = TRUE,
range = c(min(BayesMix$data), max(BayesMix$data))
BayesMix |
An object of class |
rd |
(for continuous mixtures) Integer indicating the number of decimal places when rounding the distribution's support. It is necessary to compute posterior probabilities of mode locations. |
tol_mixp |
Components with a mixture proportion below |
tol_x |
(for continuous mixtures) Tolerance parameter for distance in-between modes; default is |
tol_conv |
(for continuous mixtures) Tolerance parameter for convergence of the algorithm; default is |
inside_range |
Should modes outside of |
range |
limits of the support where modes are saved (if |
Each draw from the MCMC output after burnin, , leads to a posterior predictive probability
density/mass function:
Using this function, the mode in draw
is the number of modes, are estimated using the algorithm mentioned
in the description above.
After running this procedure across all retained posterior draws,
we compute the posterior probability for the number of modes being as:
Similarly, posterior probabilities for locations of the modes are given by:
for each location in the range
. Obviously,
continuous data are not defined on a discrete support;
it is therefore necessary to choose a rounding decimal to discretize their support (with the
A list of class bayes_mode
data |
From |
dist |
From |
dist_type |
From |
pars_names |
From |
modes |
Matrix with a row for each draw and columns showing modes. |
p1 |
Posterior probability of unimodality. |
p_nb_modes |
Matrix showing posterior probabilities for the number of modes. |
p_mode_loc |
Matrix showing posterior probabilities for mode locations. |
mix_density |
Mixture density at all locations in each draw. |
algo |
Algorithm used for mode estimation. |
range |
Range outside which modes are discarded if |
BayesMix |
Cross JL, Hoogerheide L, Labonne P, van Dijk HK (2024). “Bayesian mode inference for discrete distributions in economics and finance.” Economics Letters, 235, 111579. ISSN 0165-1765, doi:10.1016/j.econlet.2024.111579.
# Example with galaxy data ================================================
# retrieve galaxy data
y = galaxy
# estimation
bayesmix = bayes_fit(data = y,
K = 5, #not many to run the example rapidly
dist = "normal",
nb_iter = 500, #not many to run the example rapidly
burnin = 100)
# mode estimation
BayesMode = bayes_mode(bayesmix)
# plot
# plot(BayesMode, max_size = 200)
# summary
# summary(BayesMode)
# Example with DNA data ================================================
# retrieve DNA data
y = d4z4
# estimation
bayesmix = bayes_fit(data = y,
K = 5, #not many to run the example rapidly
dist = "shifted_poisson",
nb_iter = 500, #not many to run the example rapidly
burnin = 100)
# mode estimation
BayesMode = bayes_mode(bayesmix)
# plot
# plot(BayesMode, max_size = 200)
# summary
# summary(BayesMode)
# Example with a Student t ================================================
mu = c(0.5,6)
sigma = c(1,2)
nu = c(5,5)
p = c(0.8,0.2)#'
data = c(sn::rst(p[1]*1000, mu[1], sigma[1], nu = nu[1]),
sn::rst(p[2]*1000, mu[2], sigma[2], nu = nu[2]))
fit = c(eta = p, mu = mu, sigma = sigma, nu = nu, xi = c(0,0))
fit = rbind(fit, fit)
pdf_func = function(x, pars) {
sn::dst(x, pars["mu"], pars["sigma"], pars["xi"], pars["nu"])
dist_type = "continuous"
bayesmix = bayes_mixture(fit, data, burnin = 1,
pdf_func = pdf_func, dist_type = dist_type, loc = "mu")
BayesMode = bayes_mode(bayesmix)
# plot
# plot(BayesMode, max_size = 200)
# summary
# summary(BayesMode)