Bayesian Mortality Modelling

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Documentation for package ‘BayesMortalityPlus’ version 0.2.4

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blc Lee-Carter Bayesian Estimation for mortality data
dlm Dynamic Linear Model for mortality table graduation
dlm_close DLM: Fitting the advanced ages of the life tables
expectancy Generic expectancy function
expectancy.BLC BLC: Life expectancy
expectancy.DLM DLM: Life expectancy
expectancy.HP HP: Life expectancy
fitted.BLC BLC: Fitted death probabilities (qx)
fitted.DLM DLM: Fitted death probabilities (qx)
fitted.HP HP: Fitted death probabilities (qx)
Heatmap Generic Heatmap function
Heatmap.BLC BLC: Heatmap for the life expectancy
Heatmap.DLM DLM: Heatmap for the life expectancy
Heatmap.HP HP: Heatmap for the life expectancy
Heatmap.list Heatmap for a set of life tables
hp Bayesian Heligman-Pollard curve for mortality table graduation
hp_close HP: Fitting the advanced ages of the life tables
hp_mix HP: Model mixture
improvement BLC: Improvement
mean.BLC BLC: Arithmetic mean
mean.PredBLC BLC: Arithmetic mean for predictions
plot.BLC BLC: Plot the fitted values
plot.DLM DLM: Plot the life table
plot.HP HP: Plot the life table
plot.list Plot a set of life tables
plot.PredBLC BLC: Plot the log-mortality of a prediction
plot_chain Chain's plot
predict.BLC BLC: Forecasting
predict.DLM DLM: Prediction of death probability
print.BLC BLC: Print
print.DLM DLM: Print
print.HP HP: Print
PT Mortality Data from Portugal to be used as example
quantile.BLC BLC: Sample quantiles
quantile.PredBLC BLC: Sample quantiles for predictions
summary.DLM DLM: Summary
summary.HP HP: Summary
USA Mortality Database from United States to be used as example