Chronological Bayesian Models Integrating Optically Stimulated Luminescence and Radiocarbon Age Dating

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Documentation for package ‘BayLum’ version 0.3.2

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BayLum-package Chronological Bayesian Models Integrating Optically Stimulated Luminescence and C-14 Dating
AgeC14_Computation Bayesian analysis for C-14 age estimations of various samples
AgeS Output of 'AgeS_Computation' function for the samples: "GDB5" and "GDB3"
AgeS_Computation Bayesian analysis for OSL age estimation of various samples
Age_Computation Bayesian analysis for the OSL age estimation of one sample
Age_OSLC14 Bayesian analysis for age estimation of OSL measurements and C-14 ages of various samples
BayLum Chronological Bayesian Models Integrating Optically Stimulated Luminescence and C-14 Dating
combine_DataFiles Combine objects
Concat_DataFile Combine objects
create_DataFile Prepare input data for subsequent BayLum Analysis
create_FolderTemplates Create Folder Templates
create_ThetaMatrix Create Theta Matrix
DATA1 DATA of sample named GDB3
DATA2 DATA on sample named GDB5
DATA3 DATA of sample named FER1
DATA_C14 C14 cal age estiamte and its error
Generate_DataFile Generates, from one (or several) BIN-file(s) of Single-grain OSL measurements, a list of luminescence data and information before statistical analysis (DEPRECATED)
Generate_DataFile-deprecated Generates, from one (or several) BIN-file(s) of Single-grain OSL measurements, a list of luminescence data and information before statistical analysis (DEPRECATED)
Generate_DataFile_MG Generates, from one (or several) BIN file(s) of Multi-grain OSL measurements a list of luminescence data and information before statistical analysis (DEPRECATED)
Generate_DataFile_MG-deprecated Generates, from one (or several) BIN file(s) of Multi-grain OSL measurements a list of luminescence data and information before statistical analysis (DEPRECATED)
IntCal13 Atmospheric North data for calibration of 14C age
IntCal20 Atmospheric North data for calibration of 14C age
LT_RegenDose Plots Lx/Tx as a function of the regenerative dose (DEPRECATED)
LT_RegenDose-deprecated Plots Lx/Tx as a function of the regenerative dose (DEPRECATED)
Marine13 Marine data for calibration of 14C age
Marine20 Marine data for calibration of 14C age
MCMCsample MCMC sample from the posterior distribution of the dataset GDB5
ModelC14 Likelihood of C14 samples for JAGS models use in 'Age_OSLC14'
ModelOSL Likelihood of OSL samples for JAGS models use in 'Age_OSLC14'
ModelPrior Prior for JAGS models use in 'Age_OSLC14'
Model_Age JAGS models use in 'Age_Computation'
Model_AgeC14 JAGS models use in 'AgeC14_Computation'
Model_AgeS JAGS models use in 'AgeS_Computation'
Model_Palaeodose JAGS models use in 'Palaeodose_Computation'
Palaeodose_Computation Bayesian analysis for the palaeodose estimation of various samples
plot_Ages Create Age Plot
plot_MCMC Plot MCMC trajectories and posterior distributions
plot_RegDosePoints Plot Regeneration Dose Points
plot_Scatterplots Display Scatter Plot Matrix of the Bayesian Age Results
ScatterSamples Display Scatter Plot Matrix of the Bayesian Age Results
SCMatrix Construct the Stratigraphic Constrain Matrix Interactively
SC_Ordered Create Stratigraphically Ordered Sample Matrix
SHCal13 Atmospheric South data for calibration of 14C age
SHCal20 Atmospheric South data for calibration of 14C age
write_BayLumFiles Write BayLum .csv-files
write_YAMLConfigFile Write Auto Generated YAML BayLum Configuration File to the Disc