A B C D F G I J K L M R S T W misc
addRegistryPackages | Add packages to registry. |
addRegistrySourceDirs | Add source dirs to registry. |
addRegistrySourceFiles | Add source files to registry. |
batchExpandGrid | Map function over all combinations. |
batchExport | Export R object to be available on the slaves. |
BatchJobs | The BatchJobs package |
batchMap | Maps a function over lists or vectors, adding jobs to a registry. |
batchMapQuick | Combination of makeRegistry, batchMap and submitJobs. |
batchMapResults | Maps a function over the results of a registry by using batchMap. |
batchQuery | Manually query the BatchJobs database |
batchReduce | Reduces via a binary function over a list adding jobs to a registry. |
batchReduceResults | Reduces results via a binary function and adds jobs for this to a registry. |
batchUnexport | Unload exported R objects. |
callFunctionOnSSHWorkers | Call an arbitrary function on specified SSH workers. |
cfBrewTemplate | Cluster functions helper: Brew your template into a job description file. |
cfHandleUnknownSubmitError | Cluster functions helper: Handle an unknown error during job submission. |
cfKillBatchJob | Cluster functions helper: Kill a batch job via OS command |
cfReadBrewTemplate | Cluster functions helper: Read in your brew template file. |
checkIds | Check job ids. |
ClusterFunctions | Create a ClusterFuntions object. |
configuration | BatchJobs configuration. |
debugMulticore | Helper function to debug multicore mode. |
debugSSH | Helper function to debug SSH mode. |
filterResults | Find all results where a specific condition is true. |
findDisappeared | Find jobs depending on computional state. |
findDone | Find jobs depending on computional state. |
findErrors | Find jobs depending on computional state. |
findExpired | Find jobs depending on computional state. |
findJobs | Finds ids of jobs that match a query. |
findMissingResults | Find jobs depending on computional state. |
findNotDone | Find jobs depending on computional state. |
findNotErrors | Find jobs depending on computional state. |
findNotOnSystem | Find jobs depending on computional state. |
findNotRunning | Find jobs depending on computional state. |
findNotStarted | Find jobs depending on computional state. |
findNotSubmitted | Find jobs depending on computional state. |
findNotTerminated | Find jobs depending on computional state. |
findOnSystem | Find jobs depending on computional state. |
findRunning | Find jobs depending on computional state. |
findStarted | Find jobs depending on computional state. |
findSubmitted | Find jobs depending on computional state. |
findTerminated | Find jobs depending on computional state. |
getConfig | Returns a list of BatchJobs configuration settings |
getErrorMessages | Get error messages of jobs. |
getJob | Get job from registry by id. |
getJobIds | Get ids of jobs in registry. |
getJobInfo | Get computational information of jobs. |
getJobLocation | Get the physical location of job files on the hard disk. |
getJobNr | Get number of jobs in registry. |
getJobParamDf | Retrieve Job Parameters. |
getJobResources | Function to get the resources that were submitted for some jobs. |
getJobs | Get jobs from registry by id. |
getLogFiles | Get log file paths for jobs. |
getResources | Function to get job resources in job function. |
getSSHWorkersInfo | Print and return R installation and other information for SSH workers. |
getStatus | Retrieve or show status information about jobs. |
grepLogs | Grep log files for a pattern. |
installPackagesOnSSHWorkers | Install packages on SSH workers. |
Job | Creates a job description. |
killJobs | Kill some jobs on the batch system. |
loadConfig | Load a specific configuration file. |
loadExports | Load exported R data objects. |
loadRegistry | Load a previously saved registry. |
loadResult | Loads a specific result file. |
loadResults | Loads result files for id vector. |
makeClusterFunctions | Create a ClusterFuntions object. |
makeClusterFunctionsInteractive | Create cluster functions for sequential execution in same session. |
makeClusterFunctionsLocal | Create cluster functions for sequential execution on local host. |
makeClusterFunctionsLSF | Create cluster functions for LSF systems. |
makeClusterFunctionsMulticore | Use multiple cores on local Linux machine to spawn parallel jobs. |
makeClusterFunctionsOpenLava | Create cluster functions for OpenLava systems. |
makeClusterFunctionsSGE | Create cluster functions for Sun Grid Engine systems. |
makeClusterFunctionsSLURM | Create cluster functions for SLURM-based systems. |
makeClusterFunctionsSSH | Create an SSH cluster to execute jobs. |
makeClusterFunctionsTorque | Create cluster functions for torque-based systems. |
makeJob | Creates a job description. |
makeRegistry | Construct a registry object. |
makeSSHWorker | Create SSH worker for SSH cluster functions. |
makeSubmitJobResult | Create a SubmitJobResult object. |
reduceResults | Reduce results from result directory. |
reduceResultsDataFrame | Reduce results from result directory. |
reduceResultsDataTable | Reduce results from result directory. |
reduceResultsList | Reduce results from result directory. |
reduceResultsMatrix | Reduce results from result directory. |
reduceResultsVector | Reduce results from result directory. |
Registry | Construct a registry object. |
removeRegistry | Remove a registry object. |
removeRegistryPackages | Remove packages from registry. |
removeRegistrySourceDirs | Remove packages from registry. |
removeRegistrySourceFiles | Remove source files from registry. |
resetJobs | Reset computational state of jobs. |
sanitizePath | Sanitize a path |
setConfig | Set and overwrite configuration settings |
setJobFunction | Sets the job function for already existing jobs. |
setJobNames | Set job names. |
setRegistryPackages | Set packages for a registry. |
showClusterStatus | Show information about available computational resources on cluster. |
showLog | Display the contents of a log file. |
showStatus | Retrieve or show status information about jobs. |
sourceRegistryFiles | Source registry files |
SSHWorker | Create SSH worker for SSH cluster functions. |
SubmitJobResult | Create a SubmitJobResult object. |
submitJobs | Submit jobs or chunks of jobs to batch system via cluster function. |
sweepRegistry | Sweep obsolete files from the file system. |
syncRegistry | Syncronize staged queries into the registry. |
testJob | Tests a job by running it with Rscript in a new process. |
waitForJobs | Wait for termination of jobs on the batch system. |
.BatchJobs.R | BatchJobs configuration. |