Statistical Experiments on Batch Computing Clusters

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Documentation for package ‘BatchExperiments’ version 1.4.3

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addAlgorithm Add an algorithm to registry.
addExperiments Add experiemts to the registry.
addProblem Add a problem to registry.
Algorithm Add an algorithm to registry.
BatchExperiments The BatchExperiments package
Design Create parameter designs for problems and algorithms.
Experiment Add experiemts to the registry.
ExperimentJob ExperimentJob
ExperimentRegistry Construct a registry object for experiments.
findExperiments Find ids of experiments that match a query.
generateProblemInstance Generate dynamic part of problem.
getAlgorithm Get algorithm from registry by id.
getAlgorithmIds Get ids of algorithms in registry.
getExperimentParts Get all parts required to run a single job.
getIndex Group experiments.
getJobs.ExperimentRegistry Get jobs (here: experiments) from registry by id.
getProblem Get problem from registry by id.
getProblemIds Get ids of problems in registry.
getResultVars Get variable groups of reduced results.
Instance Generate dynamic part of problem.
makeDesign Create parameter designs for problems and algorithms.
makeExperimentRegistry Construct a registry object for experiments.
Problem Add a problem to registry.
ReducedResultsExperiments Reduce results into a data.frame with all relevant information.
reduceResultsExperiments Reduce results into a data.frame with all relevant information.
reduceResultsExperimentsParallel Reduce very many results in parallel.
removeAlgorithm Remove algorithm from registry.
removeExperiments Remove jobs from registry.
removeProblem Remove problem from registry.
summarizeExperiments Summarize selected experiments.