coordinates_of_points_in_subcollection {BallMapper}R Documentation

This is an auxiliery function. It take the coordinates of points, ids of subset of points, and number of coordinate, and return a sorted vector of the given coodrinate in the considered points. For instance, given the collection of points: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and which_subset = 2,3 and number_of_coordinate = 2 the procedure below will return the vector [2,5,8].


This is an auxiliery function. It take the coordinates of points, ids of subset of points, and number of coordinate, and return a sorted vector of the given coodrinate in the considered points. For instance, given the collection of points: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 and which_subset = 2,3 and number_of_coordinate = 2 the procedure below will return the vector [2,5,8].


coordinates_of_points_in_subcollection(points, which_subset,



is a collection of input points in a form of a data frame. The same one as on the input of the Ball Mapper.


Indices of points in the given subset.


which coordinate of the consired points to export.


the sorted vector of values of a given variable at the collection of points. var <- seq(from=0,to=6.3,by=0.1) points <- cbind( sin(var),cos(var) ) ) values <- l <- BallMapper(points, values, 0.25) coordinates_of_points_in_subcollection(points,c(6,7,8),1)

[Package BallMapper version 0.2.0 Index]