{BOSSreg}R Documentation

Select coefficient vector based on cross-validation for BOSS or FS.


This function returns coefficient vector that minimizes out-of-sample (OOS) cross validation score.


## S3 method for class 'cv.boss'
coef(object, method = c("boss", "fs"), ...)



The cv.boss object, returned from calling cv.boss function.


It can either be 'fs' or 'boss'. The default is 'boss'.


Extra arguments (unused for now).


The chosen coefficient vector for BOSS or FS.


## Generate a trivial dataset, X has mean 0 and norm 1, y has mean 0
n = 20
p = 5
x = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow=n, ncol=p)
x = scale(x, center = colMeans(x))
x = scale(x, scale = sqrt(colSums(x^2)))
beta = c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
y = x%*%beta + scale(rnorm(20, sd=0.01), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)

## Perform 10-fold CV without replication
boss_cv_result = cv.boss(x, y)
## Get the coefficient vector of BOSS that gives minimum CV OSS score (S3 method for cv.boss)
beta_boss_cv = coef(boss_cv_result)
# the above is equivalent to
boss_result = boss_cv_result$boss
beta_boss_cv = boss_result$beta_boss[, boss_cv_result$i.min.boss, drop=FALSE]
## Get the fitted values of BOSS-CV (S3 method for cv.boss)
mu_boss_cv = predict(boss_cv_result, newx=x)
# the above is equivalent to
mu_boss_cv = cbind(1,x) %*% beta_boss_cv

## Get the coefficient vector of FS that gives minimum CV OSS score (S3 method for cv.boss)
beta_fs_cv = coef(boss_cv_result, method='fs')
## Get the fitted values of FS-CV (S3 method for cv.boss)
mu_fs_cv = predict(boss_cv_result, newx=x, method='fs')

[Package BOSSreg version 0.2.0 Index]