coef.boss {BOSSreg} | R Documentation |
Select coefficient vector(s) for BOSS.
This function returns the optimal coefficient vector of BOSS selected by AICc (by default) or other types of information criterion.
## S3 method for class 'boss'
ic = c("aicc", "bicc", "aic", "bic", "gcv", "cp"),
select.boss = NULL,
object |
The boss object, returned from calling the |
ic |
Which information criterion is used to select the optimal coefficient vector for BOSS. The default is AICc-hdf. |
select.boss |
The index (or indicies) of columns in the coefficient matrix for which one wants to select. By default (NULL) it's selected by the information criterion specified in 'ic'. |
... |
Extra arguments (unused for now) |
If select.boss
is specified, the function returns
corresponding column(s) in the coefficient matrix.
If select.boss
is unspecified, the function returns the optimal coefficient
vector selected by AICc-hdf (other choice of IC can be specified in the argument ic
The chosen coefficient vector(s) for BOSS.
## Generate a trivial dataset, X has mean 0 and norm 1, y has mean 0
n = 20
p = 5
x = matrix(rnorm(n*p), nrow=n, ncol=p)
x = scale(x, center = colMeans(x))
x = scale(x, scale = sqrt(colSums(x^2)))
beta = c(1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
y = x%*%beta + scale(rnorm(n, sd=0.01), center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
## Fit the model
boss_result = boss(x, y)
## Get the coefficient vector selected by AICc-hdf (S3 method for boss)
beta_boss_aicc = coef(boss_result)
# the above is equivalent to the following
beta_boss_aicc = boss_result$beta_boss[, which.min(boss_result$IC_boss$aicc), drop=FALSE]
## Get the fitted values of BOSS-AICc-hdf (S3 method for boss)
mu_boss_aicc = predict(boss_result, newx=x)
# the above is equivalent to the following
mu_boss_aicc = cbind(1,x) %*% beta_boss_aicc
## Repeat the above process, but using Cp-hdf instead of AICc-hdf
## coefficient vector
beta_boss_cp = coef(boss_result, method.boss='cp')
beta_boss_cp = boss_result$beta_boss[, which.min(boss_result$IC_boss$cp), drop=FALSE]
## fitted values of BOSS-Cp-hdf
mu_boss_cp = predict(boss_result, newx=x, method.boss='cp')
mu_boss_cp = cbind(1,x) %*% beta_boss_cp