sinusoid {BNSP}R Documentation

Sinusoid terms in mvrm formulae


Function used to define sinusoidal curves in the mean formula of function mvrm. The function is used internally to construct design matrices.


sinusoid(..., harmonics = 1, amplitude = 1, period = 0, periodRange = NULL, 
breaks = NULL, knots = NULL)



a single covariate that the sinusoid term is a function of.


an integer value that denotes the number of sins and cosines to be utilized in the representation of a sinusoidal curve.


a positive integer. If set equal to one, it denotes a fixed amplitude. Otherwise, if set to an integer that is greater than one, it denotes the number of knots to be utilized in the representation of the time-varying amplitude.


the period of the sinusoidal wave. Values less than or equal to zero signify that the period is unknown. Positive values signify that the period is known and fixed.


a vector of length two with the range of possible period values. It is required when the period is unknown.


the growth break points.


the knots to be utilized in the representation of the time-varying amplitude. Relevant only when amplitude is greater than 1.


Use this function within calls to function mvrm to specify sinusoidal waves in the mean function of a regression model.

Consider the sinusoidal curve

yt=β0+A(t)sin(2πt/ω+φ)+ϵt, y_t = \beta_0 + A(t) \sin(2\pi t/\omega+\varphi) + \epsilon_t,

where yty_t is the response at time tt, β0\beta_0 is an intercept term, A(t)A(t) is a time-varying amplitude, φ[0,2π]\varphi \in [0,2\pi] is the phase shift parameter, ω\omega is the period taken to be known, and ϵt\epsilon_t is the error term.

The period ω\omega is defined by the argument period.

The time-varying amplitude is represented using A(t)=j=1KβAjϕAj(t)A(t) = \sum_{j=1}^{K} \beta_{Aj} \phi_{Aj}(t), where KK, the number of knots, is defined by argument amplitude. If amplitude = 1, then the amplitude is taken to be fixed: A(t)=AA(t)=A.

Further, sin(2πt/ω+φ)\sin(2\pi t/\omega+\varphi) is represented utilizing sin(2πt/ω+φ)=k=1Laksin(2kπt/ω)+bkcos(2kπt/ω)\sin(2\pi t/\omega+\varphi) = \sum_{k=1}^{L} a_k \sin(2k\pi t/\omega) + b_k \cos(2k\pi t/\omega), where LL, the number of harmonics, is defined by argument harmonics.


Specifies the design matrices of an mvrm call


Georgios Papageorgiou

See Also



# Simulate and fit a sinusoidal curve
# First load releveant packages
# Simulate the data 
mu <- function(u) {cos(0.5 * u) * sin(2 * pi * u + 1)}
n <- 100
u <- sort(runif(n, min = 0, max = 2*pi))
y <- rnorm(n, mu(u), 0.1)
data <- data.frame(y, u)
# Define the model and call function \code{mvrm} that perfomes posterior sampling for the given 
# dataset and defined model 
model <- y ~ sinusoid(u, harmonics = 2, amplitude = 20, period = 1)
## Not run: 
m1 <- mvrm(formula = model, data = data, sweeps = 10000, burn = 5000, thin = 2, seed = 1, 
           StorageDir = getwd())
# Plot
x1 <- seq(min(u), max(u), length.out = 100)
plotOptionsM <- list(geom_line(aes_string(x = x1, y = mu(x1)), col = 2, alpha = 0.5, lty = 2),
                     geom_point(data = data, aes(x = u, y = y)))
plot(x = m1, term = 1, plotOptions = plotOptionsM, intercept = TRUE, 
     quantiles = c(0.005, 0.995), grid = 100, combine = 1)

## End(Not run)

[Package BNSP version 2.2.3 Index]