shiftFrame {BIOdry}R Documentation

MEDS formatting


dendroclimatic chronologies (trw, and climatic data) are formatted into multilevel ecological data series. SI units of continuous variables in the data can be transformed.


shiftFrame(rd, f.nm = NULL, x.nm = names(rd)[1L], t.nm = "year", 



data.frame or list. Dendroclimatic chronology DC (see details) or list of two DCs (e.g. precipitation and temperature records), or multilevel ecological data series (MEDS).


character vector. In the case of formatting ring-data frames, column names of the factors in the new MEDS. If NULL then this argument is recycled from attributes in rd. If such an attribute is also NULL then a sequence of codes (F1, F2, ..., Fn) is used.


character. In the case of formatting MEDS, name of the variable to be reshaped. Default uses name of first variable of rd.


character.In the case of formatting MEDS, name of the time-units variable .


Further arguments in mUnits.


Row names of dendroclimatic data frames are time units (e.g. years). Column names are dot-separated labels representing the hierarchy of ecological or time-units factors, where the higher levels are defined first and the lower levels after. For example, code 'P16106.17' is the column name of core 'a' in tree '17' in plot 'P16106'. Labels containing monthly abbreviations are also formatted.


When rd argument is a dendroclimatic chronology (see details) then the output is a groupedData object, and viceversa.


Wilson Lara <>, Felipe Bravo <>


##tree-ring widths formated as a groupedData object:
data(Prings05,envir = environment())

## Formatting the groupedData object into a ring-data frame:
pwide <- shiftFrame(Prings05, from = 'mm', to = 'mmm')
## Formatting the ring-data frame into a groupedData object, and
## changing SI units from micrometers to milimeters:
plong <- shiftFrame(pwide,from = 'mmm', to = 'mm')

[Package BIOdry version 0.9 Index]