AGBmonteCarlo |
Propagating above-ground biomass (AGB) or carbon (AGC) errors to the stand level |
attributeTree |
Attribute trees to subplots |
attributeTreeCoord |
Attribute trees to GPS coordinates |
cacheManager |
Function that return a possibly cached file, transparently downloading it if missing |
cachePath |
Function used to build a file path based on a cache folder |
clearCache |
Function to clear cache content and possibly remove it |
computeAGB |
Computing tree above-ground biomass (AGB) |
computeFeldRegion |
Retrieving Feldpausch regions |
correctCoordGPS |
Correct the GPS coordinates |
correctTaxo |
This function corrects typos for a given taxonomic name using the Taxonomic Name Resolution Service (TNRS). |
createCache |
Function used to create or activate a permanent cache. |
cutPlot |
Divides a plot in subplots |
getTaxonomy |
Retrieving the taxonomy |
getWoodDensity |
Estimating wood density |
HDmethods |
HDmethods |
KarnatakaForest |
Karnataka forest dataset |
latlong2UTM |
Translate the long lat coordinate in UTM coordinate |
loglogFunction |
HDmethods |
michaelisFunction |
HDmethods |
modelHD |
Fitting height-diameter models |
NouraguesHD |
Height-Diameter data |
numberCorner |
Get the UTM coordinates with the corner of the plot |
predictHeight |
Predicting tree height |
procrust |
Procrust analysis |
retrieveH |
Retrieving tree height from models |
summaryByPlot |
Summarize by plot (or subplot) the posterior distribution of AGB values |
weibullFunction |
HDmethods |