ccf_ts {BINCOR} | R Documentation |
The ccf_ts
function estimates and plots the cross-correlation
between the binned time series. ccf_ts
has an
option to remove the linear trend of the time series under analysis (other
pre-processing methods could be used) and contains several parameters that are
described in the following lines.
ccf_ts(bints1, bints2, lagmax=NULL, ylima=-1, ylimb=1, rmltrd="N", RedL=T,
device="screen", Hfig, Wfig, Hpdf, Wpdf, resfig, ofilename)
bints1 , bints2 |
The bints1 and bints2 are the binned time series. |
lagmax |
This parameter indicates the maximum lag for which the cross-correlation is calculated (its value depends on the length of the data set). |
ylima , ylimb |
This parameters define the extremes of the range in which the CCF will be plotted. |
rmltrd |
This is the option used to remove the linear trend in the time series under study (by default the linear trend is not removed, but it can be activated with the option “Y” or “y”). |
RedL |
RedL plots a right red line to highlight the correlation coefficient at the lag-0 (the default option is TRUE). |
device |
The type of the output device (by default the option is “screen”, and the other options are “jpg”, “png” and “pdf”) for the scatter plot of the binned time series. |
Hfig |
The height for the CCF plot in “jpg” or “png” format. |
Wfig |
The width for the CCF plot in “jpg” or “png”format. |
Hpdf |
The height for the CCF plot in “pdf” format. |
Wpdf |
The width for the CCF plot in “pdf” format. |
resfig |
resfig is the plot resolution in “ppi” (by default R does not record a resolution in the image file, except for BMP) for the CCF plot (“jpg” or “png” formats), an adequate value could be 150 ppi. |
ofilename |
The output filename (CCF plot) for the CCF estimated of the binned time series. |
The ccf_ts
estimate the cross-correlation between two binned
time series by means of the R native function ccf (package:stats).
Output: an object of the form ccf containing the correlation coefficients for the defined number of lags (lagmax) and the statistical significance.
Josué M. Polanco-Martínez (a.k.a. jomopo).
BC3 - Basque Centre for Climate Change, Bilbao, SPAIN.
EPOC UMR CNRS 5805 - U. de Bordeaux, Pessac, FRANCE.
Polanco-Martínez, J.M., Medina-Elizalde, M.A., Sánchez Goñi, M.F., M. Mudelsee. (2018). BINCOR: an R package to estimate the correlation between two unevenly spaced time series. Ms. under review (second round).
#:: Figure 5 (Polanco-Martínez et al. (2018), (mimeo)).
#:: Loading the time series under analysis: example 2 (pollen ACER)
# Computing the binned time series though our bin_cor function
bincor.tmp <- bin_cor(ID31.dat, ID32.dat, FLAGTAU=3, "salida_ACER_ABRUPT.tmp")
binnedts <- bincor.tmp$Binned_time_series
# To avoid NA's values
bin_ts1 <- na.omit(bincor.tmp$Binned_time_series[,1:2])
bin_ts2 <- na.omit(bincor.tmp$Binned_time_series[,c(1,3)])
# Testing our ccf_ts function
# Screen
ccf_ts(bin_ts1, bin_ts2, RedL=TRUE, rmltrd="y")
# PDF format
ccf_ts(bin_ts1, bin_ts2, RedL=TRUE, rmltrd="y", device="pdf", Hpdf=6,
Wpdf=9, resfig=300, ofilename="ccf_ID31_ID32_res")
# JPG format
ccf_ts(bin_ts1, bin_ts2, RedL=TRUE, rmltrd="y", device="jpg",
Hfig=900, Wfig=1200, resfig=150, ofilename="ccf_ID31_ID32_res")