Branch-Exclusive Splits Trees

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Documentation for package ‘BESTree’ version 0.5.2

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Acc Computes the proportion of matching terms in two vectors of the same length. Used to compute the accuracy for prediction on test set.
BaggedBEST Performs Bootstrap Aggregating of BEST trees
BEST Main function of the package. It produces Classification Trees with Branch-Exclusive variables.
BESTForest Generates a random forest of BEST trees
Data Data generated according to decision tree for simulation purposes
Fit Data generated according to decision tree for simulation purposes
ForgeVA Quickly build the Available Variable list necessary for BEST This list contains details as to which variables is available for the partitioning. It also contains which variables are gating variables.
FPredict Emits prediction from a forest of BEST's
MPredict Classify a set of new observation points
Predict Classify a new observation point
TreePruning Uses a Validation Set to select the best trees within the list of pruned trees.
VI Produces a variable important analysis using the mean decrease in node impurity