benmmi {BENMMI}R Documentation

Perform BENMMI Analysis


This function performs a complete BENMMI analysis following the settings provided in filename.


benmmi(filename = NULL, tmpdir = tempfile(pattern = "BENMMI"), browse = TRUE)

BENMMI(filename = NULL, tmpdir = tempdir(), browse = TRUE)



name of the JSON file defining all analysis steps.


directory to store temporary files (for debugging only)


load resulting report in a browser? TRUE or FALSE


# This example illustrates a typical use case of the BENMMI-package.
# Note: execution may take several minutes.
# See the package vignette for more advanced examples and details. 

if (interactive()) {

# Create a work directory (in this example, a temporary
# directory, but in real use cases a persistent directory 
# will obviously be more useful).
my_dir <- tempfile("benmmi-example")

# Populate this directory with simple use cases 
# (see the package-vignette for details).
# Most users will probably use one of these use cases as a 
# template for their own study.

# Run BENMMI given the settings in "settings-S-D-lin.json". This file
# relates to one of the predefined use cases. 
my_settings_file <- file.path(my_dir, "settings-S-D-lin.json")
benmmi(my_settings_file, browse = FALSE)

# The output (HTML-report and data-files) is stored in 'my_dir'
# and described in the package-vignette and resulting HTML-report itself.
# It is also possible to directly view the generated
# HTML-report by setting the browse-argument of the benmmi-function to TRUE.

[Package BENMMI version 4.3-7 Index]