test2x2 {BE}R Documentation

Bioequivalence test for a variable of a 2x2 study


It performs conventional bioequivalence test for 2x2 study. Basic assumption is that the variable is distributed as a log-normal distribution. This is SAS PROC GLM style. If you want PROC MIXED style use nlme::lme.


test2x2(bedata, Var)



Data table name. This should have at least the following columns and a variable column to be tested. Var column values should be all positive values.

 GRP : Group or Sequence, 'RT' or 'TR'
 PRD : Period, 1 or 2
 SUBJ : Subject ID
 TRT : Treatment or Drug, 'R' or 'T'

Variable to be tested. This should be one of the column names in bedata table. Usually 'AUClast' or 'Cmax'


It tests Var variable equivalency from a 2x2 study. Current regulatory requirement is that the 90% confidence interval of geometric mean ratio (Test/Reference) should be within [0.8, 1.25].


Analysis of Variance (log scale)

Analysis of Variance in log scale

Between and Within Subject Variability

Variance in log scale and coefficient of variance in original scale

Least Square Means

Geometric means

90% Confidence Interval

90% confidence interval of geometric mean ratio (T/R)

Sample Size

Sample size for the replication of this study


Kyun-Seop Bae <k@acr.kr>


test2x2(NCAResult4BE, "AUClast")
test2x2(NCAResult4BE, "Cmax")

[Package BE version 0.2.4 Index]