multiStart {BB}R Documentation

Nonlinear Optimization or Root-Finding with Multiple Starting Values


Start BBsolve or BBoptim from multiple starting points to obtain multiple solutions and to test sensitivity to starting values.


  multiStart(par, fn, gr=NULL, action = c("solve", "optimize"), 
	method=c(2,3,1),  lower=-Inf, upper=Inf,
	project=NULL, projectArgs=NULL, 
	control=list(),  quiet=FALSE, details=FALSE, ...) 



A real matrix, each row of which is an argument to fn, indicating initial guesses for solving a nonlinear system fn = 0 or for optimizing the objective function fn.


see BBsolve or BBoptim.


Only required for optimization. See BBoptim.


A character string indicating whether to solve a nonlinear system or to optimize. Default is “solve”.


see BBsolve or BBoptim.


An upper bound for box constraints. See spg


An lower bound for box constraints. See spg


A projection function or character string indicating its name. The projection function that takes a point in RnR^n and projects it onto a region that defines the constraints of the problem. This is a vector-function that takes a real vector as argument and returns a real vector of the same length. See spg for more details.


A list with arguments to the project function.


See BBsolve and BBoptim.


A logical variable (TRUE/FALSE). If TRUE warnings and some additional information printing are suppressed. Default is quiet = FALSE Note that the control variable trace and quiet affect different printing, so if trace is not set to FALSE there will be considerable printed output.


Logical indicating if the result should include the full result from BBsolve or BBoptim for each starting value.


arguments passed fn (via the optimization algorithm).


The optimization or root-finder is run with each row of par indicating initial guesses.


list with elements par, values, and converged. It optionally returns an attribute called “details”, which is a list as long as the number of starting values, which contains the complete object returned by dfsane or spg for each starting value.


R Varadhan and PD Gilbert (2009), BB: An R Package for Solving a Large System of Nonlinear Equations and for Optimizing a High-Dimensional Nonlinear Objective Function, J. Statistical Software, 32:4,

See Also

BBsolve, BBoptim, dfsane, spg


# Use a preset seed so the example is reproducable. 
old.seed <- setRNG(list(kind="Mersenne-Twister", normal.kind="Inversion",

# Finding multiple roots of a nonlinear system
brownlin <- function(x) {
# Brown's almost linear system(A.P. Morgan, ACM 1983)
# two distinct solutions if n is even
# three distinct solutions if n is odd  
  	n <- length(x)
  	f <- rep(NA, n)
	nm1 <- 1:(n-1)
	f[nm1] <- x[nm1] + sum(x) - (n+1)
	f[n] <- prod(x) - 1 

p <- 9
n <- 50
p0 <- matrix(rnorm(n*p), n, p)  # n starting values, each of length p
ans <- multiStart(par=p0, fn=brownlin)
pmat <- ans$par[ans$conv, 1:p] # selecting only converged solutions
ord1 <- order(abs(pmat[,1]))
round(pmat[ord1, ], 3)  # all 3 roots can be seen

# An optimization example
rosbkext <- function(x){
n <- length(x)
j <- 2 * (1:(n/2))
jm1 <- j - 1
sum(100 * (x[j] - x[jm1]^2)^2 + (1 - x[jm1])^2)

p0 <- rnorm(50)
spg(par=p0, fn=rosbkext)
BBoptim(par=p0, fn=rosbkext)

pmat <- matrix(rnorm(100), 20, 5)  # 20 starting values each of length 5 
ans <- multiStart(par=pmat, fn=rosbkext, action="optimize")
attr(ans, "details")[[1]]  # 

pmat <- ans$par[ans$conv, 1:5] # selecting only converged solutions
round(pmat, 3)

[Package BB version 2019.10-1 Index]