add_tags {AzureVision}R Documentation

Add, retrieve and remove tags for a project


Add, retrieve and remove tags for a project


add_tags(project, tags)

add_negative_tag(project, negative_name = "_negative_")

list_tags(project, as = c("names", "ids", "dataframe", "list"),
  iteration = NULL)

get_tag(project, name = NULL, id = NULL, iteration = NULL)

remove_tags(project, tags, confirm = TRUE)



A Custom Vision project.


For add_tags, a vector of strings to treat as tags.


For add_negative_tag, the label to provide a negative tag. See 'Negative tags' below.


For list_tags, the format in which to return results: a vector of tag names, a vector of tag IDs, a data frame of metadata, or a list of metadata.


For list_tags and get_tag, the iteration ID (roughly, which model generation to use). Defaults to the latest iteration.

name, id

For get_tag, the name (text string) for a tag, and its ID. Provide one or the other, but not both.


For remove_tags, whether to ask for confirmation first.


Tags are the labels attached to images for use in classification projects. An image can have one or multiple tags associated with it; however, the latter only makes sense if the project is setup for multi-label classification.

Tags form part of the metadata for a Custom Vision project, and have to be explicitly defined prior to use. Each tag has a corresponding ID which is used to manage it. In general, you can let AzureVision handle the details of managing tags and tag IDs.


add_tags and add_negative_tag return a data frame containing the names and IDs of the tags added.

Negative tags

A negative tag is a special tag that represents the absence of any other tag. For example, if a project is classifying images into cats and dogs, an image that doesn't contain either a cat or dog should be given a negative tag. This can be distinguished from an untagged image, where there is no information at all on what it contains.

You can add a negative tag to a project with the add_negative_tag method. Once defined, a negative tag is treated like any other tag. A project can only have one negative tag defined.

See Also

add_image_tags, remove_image_tags


## Not run: 

add_tags(myproj, "newtag")
remove_tags(myproj, "_negative_")
add_negative_tag(myproj, "nothing")

## End(Not run)

[Package AzureVision version 1.0.2 Index]