user_config {AzureVM}R Documentation

Resource configuration functions for a virtual machine deployment


Resource configuration functions for a virtual machine deployment


user_config(username, sshkey = NULL, password = NULL)

datadisk_config(size, name = "datadisk", create = "empty",
  type = c("StandardSSD_LRS", "Premium_LRS", "Standard_LRS", "UltraSSD_LRS"),
  write_accelerator = FALSE)

image_config(publisher = NULL, offer = NULL, sku = NULL,
  version = "latest", id = NULL)



For user_config, the name for the admin user account.


For user_config, the SSH public key. This can be supplied in a number of ways: as a string with the key itself; the name of the public key file; or an AzureRMR::az_resource object pointing to an SSH public key resource (of type "Microsoft.Compute/sshPublicKeys"). See the examples below.


For user_config, the admin password. Supply either sshkey or password, but not both; also, note that Windows does not support SSH logins.


For datadisk_config, the size of the data disk in GB. St this to NULL for a disk that will be created from an image.


For datadisk_config, the disk name. Duplicate names will automatically be disambiguated prior to VM deployment.


For datadisk_config, the creation method. Can be "empty" (the default) to create a blank disk, or "fromImage" to use an image.


For datadisk_config, the disk type (SKU). Can be "Standard_LRS", "StandardSSD_LRS" (the default), "Premium_LRS" or "UltraSSD_LRS". Of these, "Standard_LRS" uses hard disks and the others use SSDs as the underlying hardware.


For datadisk_config, whether the disk should have write acceleration enabled.

publisher, offer, sku, version

For image_config, the details for a marketplace image.


For image_config, the resource ID for a disk to use as a custom image.


## Not run: 

## user_config: SSH public key resource in Azure
# create the resource
keyres <- rg$create_resource(type="Microsoft.Compute/sshPublicKeys", name="mysshkey")

# generate the public and private keys
keys <- keyres$do_operation("generateKeyPair", http_verb="POST")

# save the private key (IMPORTANT)
writeBin(keys$privateKey, "mysshkey.pem")

# create a new VM using the public key resource for authentication
# you can then login to the VM with ssh -i mysshkey.pem <username@vmaddress>
rg$create_vm("myvm", user_config("username", sshkey=keyres), config="ubuntu_20.04")

## user_config: SSH public key as a file
rg$create_vm("myvm", user_config("username", sshkey=""), config="ubuntu_20.04")

## user_config: SSH public key as a string (read from a file)
pubkey <- readLines("")
rg$create_vm("myvm", user_config("username", sshkey=pubkey), config="ubuntu_20.04")

## End(Not run)

[Package AzureVM version 2.2.2 Index]