Interface to the Table Storage Service in 'Azure'

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Documentation for package ‘AzureTableStor’ version 1.0.0

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call_table_endpoint Table storage endpoint
create_batch_transaction Batch transactions for table storage
create_storage_table Operations with azure tables
create_storage_table.storage_table Operations with azure tables
create_storage_table.table_endpoint Operations with azure tables
create_table_operation Batch transactions for table storage
delete_storage_table Operations with azure tables
delete_storage_table.storage_table Operations with azure tables
delete_storage_table.table_endpoint Operations with azure tables
delete_table_entity Operations on table entities (rows)
do_batch_transaction Batch transactions for table storage
do_batch_transaction.batch_transaction Batch transactions for table storage
get_table_entity Operations on table entities (rows)
import_table_entities Operations on table entities (rows)
insert_table_entity Operations on table entities (rows)
list_storage_tables Operations with azure tables
list_storage_tables.table_endpoint Operations with azure tables
list_table_entities Operations on table entities (rows)
storage_table Operations with azure tables
storage_table.table_endpoint Operations with azure tables
table_endpoint Table storage endpoint
table_entity Operations on table entities (rows)
update_table_entity Operations on table entities (rows)