az_resource {AzureRMR}R Documentation

Azure resource class


Class representing a generic Azure resource.


An R6 object of class az_resource.



There are multiple ways to initialize a new resource object. The new() method can retrieve an existing resource, deploy/create a new resource, or create an empty/null object (without communicating with the host), based on the arguments you supply.

All of these initialization options have the following arguments in common.

  1. token: An OAuth 2.0 token, as generated by get_azure_token.

  2. subscription: The subscription ID.

  3. api_version: Optionally, the API version to use when interacting with the host. By default, this is NULL in which case the latest API version will be used.

  4. A set of identifying arguments:

    • resource_group: The resource group containing the resource.

    • id: The full ID of the resource. This is a string of the form ⁠/subscriptions/{uuid}/resourceGroups/{resource-group-name}/provider/{resource-provider-name}/{resource-path}/{resource-name}⁠.

    • provider: The provider of the resource, eg Microsoft.Compute.

    • path: The path to the resource, eg virtualMachines.

    • type: The combination of provider and path, eg Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines.

    • name: The name of the resource instance, eg myWindowsVM.

Providing id will fill in the values for all the other identifying arguments. Similarly, providing type will fill in the values for provider and path. Unless you provide id, you must also provide name.

The default behaviour for new() is to retrieve an existing resource, which occurs if you supply only the arguments listed above. If you also supply an argument deployed_properties=NULL, this will create a null object. If you supply any other (named) arguments, new() will create a new object on the host, with the supplied arguments as parameters.

Generally, the easiest way to initialize an object is via the get_resource, create_resource or list_resources methods of the az_resource_group class, which will handle all the gory details automatically.


The do_operation() method allows you to carry out arbitrary operations on the resource. It takes the following arguments:

Consult the Azure documentation for your resource to find out what operations are supported.


Some resource types can have sub-resources: objects exposed by Resource Manager that make up a part of their parent's functionality. For example, a storage account (type Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts) provides the blob storage service, which can be accessed via Resource Manager as a sub-resource of type Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/blobServices/default.

To retrieve an existing sub-resource, use the get_subresource() method. You do not need to include the parent resource's type and name. For example, if res is a resource for a storage account, and you want to retrieve the sub-resource for the blob container "myblobs", call

res$get_subresource(type="blobServices/default/containers", name="myblobs")

Notice that the storage account's resource type and name are omitted from the get_subresource arguments. Similarly, to create a new subresource, call the create_subresource() method with the same naming convention, passing any required fields as named arguments; and to delete it, call delete_subresource().

Role-based access control

AzureRMR implements a subset of the full RBAC functionality within Azure Active Directory. You can retrieve role definitions and add and remove role assignments, at the subscription, resource group and resource levels. See rbac for more information.

See Also

az_resource_group, call_azure_rm, call_azure_url, Resources API reference

For role-based access control methods, see rbac

For management locks, see lock


## Not run: 

# recommended way to retrieve a resource: via a resource group object
# storage account:
stor <- resgroup$get_resource(type="Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts", name="mystorage")
# virtual machine:
vm <- resgroup$get_resource(type="Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines", name="myvm")

## carry out operations on a resource

# storage account: get access keys
stor$do_operation("listKeys", http_verb="POST")

# virtual machine: run a script
        commandId="RunShellScript", # RunPowerShellScript for Windows
        script=as.list("ifconfig > /tmp/ifconfig.out")

## retrieve properties

# storage account: endpoint URIs

# virtual machine: hardware profile

## update a resource: resizing a VM
properties <- list(hardwareProfile=list(vmSize="Standard_DS3_v2"))

# sync with Azure: useful to track resource creation/update status

## subresource: create a public blob container
stor$create_subresource(type="blobservices/default/containers", name="mycontainer",

## delete a subresource and resource
stor$delete_subresource(type="blobservices/default/containers", name="mycontainer")

## End(Not run)

[Package AzureRMR version 2.4.4 Index]