AssetCorr-package {AssetCorr}R Documentation



Functions for the estimation of intra- and inter-cohort correlations in the Vasicek credit portfolio model. For intra-cohort correlations, the package covers the two method of moments estimators of Gordy (2000) <doi:10.1016/S0378-4266(99)00054-0>, the method of moments estimator of Lucas (1995) <> and a Binomial approximation extension of this approach. Moreover, the maximum likelihood estimators of Gordy and Heitfield (2010) <> and Duellmann and Gehde-Trapp (2004) <> are implemented. For inter-cohort correlations, the method of moments estimator of Bluhm and Overbeck (2003) <doi:10.1007/978-3-642-59365-9_2>/Bams et al. (2016) <> is provided and the maximum likelihood estimators comprise the approaches of Gordy and Heitfield (2010)/Kalkbrener and Onwunta (2010) <ISBN: 978-1906348250> and Pfeuffer et al. (2020). Bootstrap and Jackknife procedures for bias correction are included as well as the method of moments estimator of Frei and Wunsch (2018) <doi:10.21314/JCR.2017.231> for auto-correlated time series.



Package: AssetCorr
Type: Package
Title: Estimating Asset Correlations from Default Data
Version: 1.0.4
Date: 2021-05-04
Author: Maximilian Nagl [aut,cre], Yevhen Havrylenko [aut], Marius Pfeuffer [aut], Kevin Jakob [aut], Matthias Fischer [aut], Daniel Roesch [aut]
Maintainer: Maximilian Nagl <>
Description: Functions for the estimation of intra- and inter-cohort correlations in the Vasicek credit portfolio model. For intra-cohort correlations, the package covers the two method of moments estimators of Gordy (2000) <doi:10.1016/S0378-4266(99)00054-0>, the method of moments estimator of Lucas (1995) <> and a Binomial approximation extension of this approach. Moreover, the maximum likelihood estimators of Gordy and Heitfield (2010) <> and Duellmann and Gehde-Trapp (2004) <> are implemented. For inter-cohort correlations, the method of moments estimator of Bluhm and Overbeck (2003) <doi:10.1007/978-3-642-59365-9_2>/Bams et al. (2016) <> is provided and the maximum likelihood estimators comprise the approaches of Gordy and Heitfield (2010)/Kalkbrener and Onwunta (2010) <ISBN: 978-1906348250> and Pfeuffer et al. (2020). Bootstrap and Jackknife procedures for bias correction are included as well as the method of moments estimator of Frei and Wunsch (2018) <doi:10.21314/JCR.2017.231> for auto-correlated time series.
License: GPL-3
Imports: VineCopula, mvtnorm, boot, numDeriv, mvQuad, ggplot2, Rdpack,knitr,qpdf
Suggests: markdown
VignetteBuilder: knitr
RdMacros: Rdpack

Index of help topics:

AssetCorr-package       AssetCorr
analyze_AssetCorr       Function to evaluate several default time
                        series simultaneously
defaultTimeseries       Creating a hypothetical Default Time Series.
interALL                Function to use multiple estimators
interCMM                Corrected Asymptotic Method of Moments
                        Estimator of Frei and Wunsch (2018)
interCopula             Copula Based Maximum Likelihood Estimator
interCov                Covariance Matching Estimator
interJDP                Joint Default Probability Matching Estimator,
                        De Servigny and Renault (2002)
interMLE                Binomial Maximum Likelihood Estimator
intraALL                Function to use multiple estimators
intraAMLE               Asymptotic Maximum Likelihood Estimator
intraAMM                Asymptotic Method of Moments Estimator
intraBeta               Parametric Approach of Botha and van Vuuren
                        (2010)- Beta Distribution
intraCMM                Corrected Asymptotic Method of Moments
                        Estimator of Frei and Wunsch (2018)
intraFMM                Finite Sample Method of Moments Estimator
intraJDP1               Joint Default Probability Matching Estimator,
                        Lucas (1995)
intraJDP2               Joint Default Probability Matching Estimator,
                        De Servigny and Renault (2002)
intraMLE                Binomial Maximum Likelihood Estimator
intraMode               Parametric Approach of Botha and van Vuuren
                        (2010)- Mode


Maximilian Nagl [aut,cre],Yevhen Havrylenko [aut], Marius Pfeuffer [aut], Matthias Fischer [aut], Daniel Roesch [aut]

Maintainer: Maximilian Nagl <>


De Servigny, A. and O. Renault: Default correlation: empirical evidence. Working Paper, Standard and Poor's: 90-94, 2003. Available at: Accessed: 04.05.2020

Duellmann, K. and M. Gehde-Trapp: Systematic risk in recovery rates: an empirical analysis of US corporate credit exposures. Bundesbank Series 2, Discussion Paper (2): 2004. Available at SSRN: Accessed: 01.05.2018

Duellmann, K., J. Kuell and M. Kunisch: Estimating asset correlations from stock prices or default rates- Which method is superior? Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 34(11): 2341-2357, 2010

Efron, B. and R. J. Tibshirani: An introduction to the bootstrap. CRC press, 1994

Pfeuffer, M., M. Nagl, M. Fischer and D. Roesch: Parameter Estimation and Bias Correction in the Vasicek Credit Portfolio Model. Journal of Risk 22(4), 2020

Frei, C. and M. Wunsch: Moment Estimators for Autocorrelated Time Series and their Application to Default Correlations. Journal of Credit Risk 14: 1-29, 2018

Gordy, M. B.: A comparative anatomy of credit risk models. Journal of Banking & Finance 24(1): 119-149, 2000

Gordy, M. B. and E. Heitfield: Small-sample estimation of models of portfolio credit risk. In Recent Advances in Financial Engineering: Proceedings of the KIER-TMU International Workshop on Financial Engineering, 2009: Otemachi, Sankei Plaza, Tokyo, 3-4 August 2009: 43-63, World Scientific, 2010

Hoese, S. and S. Huschens: Confidence intervals for asset correlations in the asymptotic single risk factor model. In Operations Research Proceedings 2010: 111-116, 2010

Kalkbrener, M. and A. Onwunta: Validating structural credit portfolio models. Model risk-identification, measurement and management. Risk Books, London: 233-261, 2010

Loeffler, G. The effects of estimation error on measures of portfolio credit risk. Journal of Banking & Finance 27(8): 1427-1453, 2003

Lucas, D. J.: Default correlation and credit analysis. The Journal of Fixed Income 4(4): 76-87, 1995

Meyer, C.: Estimation of intra-sector asset correlations. The Journal of Risk Model Validation 3(3): 47-79, 2009

Vasicek, O. A: The distribution of loan portfolio value. Risk 15(12): 160-162, 2002

[Package AssetCorr version 1.0.4 Index]