An R Package for the Mean Measure of Divergence (MMD)

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Documentation for package ‘AnthropMMD’ version 4.0.3

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AnthropMMD-package An R package for the Mean Measure of Divergence (MMD)
absolute_freqs A toy example dataset for mean measures of divergence, in a table format
AnthropMMD An R package for the Mean Measure of Divergence (MMD)
binary_to_table Converts a data frame of binary (i.e., presence/absence) trait information into a table of sample sizes and frequencies.
mmd Compute MMD values from a table of sample sizes and relative frequencies
mmd_boot Implementation of Fidalgo et al.'s (2022) method of bootstrap for the Mean Measure of Divergence
plot.anthropmmd_boot Display a multidimensional scaling (MDS) plot using Fidalgo et al's (2022) bootstrap method for MMD
plot.anthropmmd_result Display a multidimensional scaling (MDS) plot with the MMD dissimilarities as input
select_traits Select a subset of traits meeting certain criteria
StartMMD An R-Shiny application for the mean measure of divergence
start_mmd An R-Shiny application for the mean measure of divergence
table_relfreq Converts a table of sample sizes and frequencies into a table of sample sizes and relative frequencies.
toyMMD A toy example dataset for mean measures of divergence, in a binary format