getMixtureAssignmentEstimate {AnaCoDa}R Documentation

Returns mixture assignment estimates for each gene


Posterior estimates for the mixture assignment of specified genes


getMixtureAssignmentEstimate(parameter, gene.index, samples)



on object created by initializeParameterObject


a integer or vector of integers representing the gene(s) of interesst.


number of samples for the posterior estimate


The returned vector is unnamed as gene ids are only stored in the genome object, but the gene.index vector can be used to match the assignment to the genome.


returns a vector with the mixture assignment of each gene corresbonding to gene.index in the same order as the genome.


genome_file <- system.file("extdata", "genome.fasta", package = "AnaCoDa")

genome <- initializeGenomeObject(file = genome_file)
sphi_init <- c(1,1)
numMixtures <- 2
geneAssignment <- c(rep(1,floor(length(genome)/2)),rep(2,ceiling(length(genome)/2)))
parameter <- initializeParameterObject(genome = genome, sphi = sphi_init, 
                                       num.mixtures = numMixtures, 
                                       gene.assignment = geneAssignment, 
                                       mixture.definition = "allUnique")
model <- initializeModelObject(parameter = parameter, model = "ROC")
samples <- 2500
thinning <- 50
adaptiveWidth <- 25
mcmc <- initializeMCMCObject(samples = samples, thinning = thinning, adaptive.width=adaptiveWidth, 
                             est.expression=TRUE, est.csp=TRUE, est.hyper=TRUE, est.mix = TRUE) 
divergence.iteration <- 10
## Not run: 
runMCMC(mcmc = mcmc, genome = genome, model = model, 
        ncores = 4, divergence.iteration = divergence.iteration)

# get the mixture assignment for all genes
mixAssign <- getMixtureAssignmentEstimate(parameter = parameter, 
                                          gene.index = 1:length(genome), samples = 1000)

# get the mixture assignment for a subsample
mixAssign <- getMixtureAssignmentEstimate(parameter = parameter, 
                                          gene.index = 5:100, samples = 1000)
# or
mixAssign <- getMixtureAssignmentEstimate(parameter = parameter, 
                                          gene.index = c(10, 30:50, 3, 90), samples = 1000)

## End(Not run)

[Package AnaCoDa version Index]