Partition/Decomposition of Breeding Values by Paths of Information

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Documentation for package ‘AlphaPart’ version 0.9.8

Help Pages

AlphaPart AlphaPart.R
AlphaPart.ped Sample pedigree for partition.
AlphaPartSubset AlphaPartSubset.R
AlphaPartSum AlphaPartSum.R
pedFixBirthYear pedFixBirthYear.R
pedSetBase pedSetBase.R
plot.summaryAlphaPart A function to plot summary of partitioned breeding values.
print.AlphaPart Print method for the output of AlphaPart function.
print.plotSummaryAlphaPart Print a plot generate by the function 'plotSummaryAlphaPart'
print.summaryAlphaPart Print method for objects of the class summaryAlphaPart.
savePlot Save plot method for 'AlphaPart'
savePlot.default Save plot objects on the disk for permanent storage. Function 'savePlot' from the 'grDevices' package works for current page on graphical device. This is an attempt to make this function generic so that one can define 'savePlot' methods for particular needs.
savePlot.plotSummaryAlphaPart Save plot objects on the disk for permanent storage. Function 'savePlot' from the 'grDevices' package works for current page on graphical device. This is an attempt to make this function generic so that one can define 'savePlot' methods for particular needs.
summary.AlphaPart A function to summarize AlphaPart object.
write.csv write.csv.R
write.csv.AlphaPart write.csv.R
write.csv.default write.csv.R
write.csv.summaryAlphaPart write.csv.R