mstmap.cross {ASMap}R Documentation

Extremely fast linkage map construction for qtl objects using MSTmap.


Extremely fast linkage map construction for qtl objects using the source code for MSTmap (see Wu et al., 2008). The construction includes linkage group clustering, marker ordering and genetic distance calculations.


## S3 method for class 'cross'
mstmap(object, chr, id = "Genotype", bychr = TRUE,
       suffix = "numeric", anchor = FALSE, = "kosambi", = "COUNT", p.value = 1e-06, noMap.dist = 15,
       noMap.size = 0, miss.thresh = 1, mvest.bc = FALSE,
       detectBadData = FALSE, return.imputed = FALSE,
       trace = FALSE, ...)



A "cross" object generated from the qtl package. Specifically the object needs to inherit from one of the following classes "bc", "dh", "riself", "bcsft" (see Details).


A character string of linkage group names that require re-construction and/or optimal ordering of the markers they contain. (see Details).


The name of the column in object$pheno that uniquely identifies the genotype names. Default is "Genotype".


Logical value. For a given set of linkage groups defined by chr, if TRUE then split linkage groups (only if required, see p.value) and order markers within linkage groups. If FALSE then combine linkage groups and reconstruct. Default is TRUE.


Character string either "numeric" or "alpha" determining whether numeric or alphabetic ascending values are post-fixed to linkage group names when splitting linkage groups.


Logical value. The MSTmap algorithm does not respect the inputted marker order of the linkage map required for construction. For a given set of linkage groups defined by chr, if TRUE the order of the inputted markers is respected regardless of the choices of chr and bychr. Default is FALSE.

Character string defining the distance function used for calculation of genetic distances. Options are "kosambi" and "haldane". Default is "kosambi".

Character string defining the objective function to be used when constructing the map. Options are "COUNT" for minimising the sum of recombination events between markers and "ML" for maximising the likelihood objective function. Default is "COUNT".


Numerical value to specify the threshold to use when clustering markers. Defaults to 1e-06. If a value greater than one is given this feature is turned off inputted marker data are assumed to belong to the same linkage group (see Details).


Numerical value to specify the smallest genetic distance a set of isolated markers can appear distinct from other linked markers. Isolated markers will appear in their own linkage groups and will be of size specified by noMap.size.


Numerical value to specify the maximum size of isolated marker linkage groups that have been identified using noMap.dist. This feature can be turned off by setting it to 0. Default is 0.


Numerical value to specify the threshold proportion of missing marker scores allowable in each of the markers. Markers above this threshold will not be included in the linkage map. Default is 1.


Logical value. If TRUE missing markers will be imputed before clustering the markers into linkage groups. This is restricted to "bc","dh","riself" populations only (see Details). Default is FALSE.


Logical value. If TRUE possible genotyping errors are detected, set to missing and then imputed as part of the marker ordering algorithm. Genotyping errors will also be printed in the file specified by trace. This is restricted to "bc","dh","riself" populations only. (see Details). Default is FALSE.


Logical value. If TRUE then the imputed marker probability matrix is returned for the linkage groups that are constructed (see Details). Default is FALSE.


An automatic tracing facility. If trace = FALSE then minimal MSTmap output is piped to the screen during the algorithm. If trace = TRUE, then detailed output from MSTmap is piped to "MSToutput.txt". This file is equivalent to the output that would be obtained from running the MSTmap executable from the command line.


Currently ignored.


The qtl cross object needs to inherit one of the allowable classes "bc","dh","riself", "bcsft". This provides a safeguard against attempts to construct a map for more complex populations that can exist in qtl. Users should be aware when doubled haploid populations are read in using read.cross() from the qtl package they inherit the class "bc". Users can apply the class "dh" by simply changing the class of the object. For the purpose of linkage map construction the classes "bc" and "dh" will provide equivalent results.

MSTmap supports "RILn" populations, where n is the number of generations of selfing. Markers in these populations are required to be fully informative i.e. contain 3 distinct allele types such as AA, BB for parental homozygotes and AB for phase unknown heterozygotes. If read.cross is used to import the "RILn" population the resultant object will initially be given a class "f2". The level of selfing would then have to be encoded into the object by applying one of the two conversion functions available in the qtl package. For a population that has been generated by selfing n times the conversion function convert2bcsft can be used by setting the arguments F.gen = n and BC.gen = 0. Populations that are genuine advanced RILs can be converted using the convert2riself function.

This method function is designed to be an "all-in-one" function that will allow you to construct linkage maps extremely fast in multiple different ways from the supplied cross object. Initially, the map can be kept complete or a subset of selected linkage groups can be chosen using the chr argument. Setting bychr = FALSE will bulk the marker information for the selected linkage groups and, if necessary, form new linkage groups and optimise the marker order within each. Setting bychr = TRUE will ensure that markers are optimally ordered within each linkage group. This will also break linkage groups depending on the p-value given in the call (see below for details of the use of p.value). If the linkage map was initially subsetted, the linkage groups not involved in the subset are returned to ensure the map is complete.

The algorithm allows an adjustment of the p.value threshold for clustering of markers to distinct linkage groups (see Wu et al., 2008) and is highly dependent on the number of individuals in the population. As the number of individuals increases the p.value threshold should be decreased accordingly. This may require some trial and error to achieve desired results. When bychr = TRUE, established linkage groups may also split depending on the p.value given. To prevent this the p.value threshold may be increased to a desired value or the splitting may be prevented altogether by supplying a value greater than one to this argument.

If mvest.bc = TRUE and the population type is "bc","dh","riself" then missing values are imputed before markers are clustered into linkage groups. This is only a simple imputation that places a 0.5 probability of the missing observation being one allele or the other and is used to assist the clustering algorithm when there is known to be high numbers of missing observations between pairs of markers.

It should be highlighted that for population types "bc","dh","riself", imputation of missing values occurs regardless of the value of mvest.bc. This is achieved using an EM algorithm that is tightly coupled with marker ordering (see Wu et al., 2008). Initially a marker order is obtained omitting missing marker scores and then imputation is performed based on the underlying recombinant probabilities of the flanking markers with the markers containing the missing value. The recombinant probabilities are then recomputed and an update of the pairwise distances are calculated. The ordering algorithm is then run again and the complete process is repeated until convergence. Note, the imputed probability matrix for the linkage map being constructed is returned if return.imputed = TRUE.

For populations "bc","dh","riself", if detectBadData = TRUE the marker ordering algorithm also includes the detection of genotyping errors. For any individual genotype, the detection method is based on a weighted Euclidean metric (see Wu et al., 2008) that is a function of the recombination probabilities of all the markers with the marker containing the suspicious observation. Any genotyping errors detected are set to missing and the missing values are then imputed as part of the marker ordering algorithm. Note, the detection of these errors and their amendment can be returned in the imputed probability matrix if return.imputed = TRUE.

If return.imputed = TRUE and the object has class "bc","dh","riself" then the marker probability matrix is returned for the linkage groups that have been constructed using the algorithm. Each linkage group is named identically to the linkage groups of the map and contains an ordered "map" element and a "data" element consisting of marker probabilities of the A allele being present (i.e. P(A) = 1, P(B) = 0). Both elements contain a possibly reduced version of the marker set that includes all non-colocating markers as well as the first marker of any set of co-locating markers.


The function returns a cross object with an identical class structure to the cross object inputted. The object is a list with usual components "pheno" and "geno". If markers were omitted for any reason during the construction, the object will have an "omit" component with all omitted markers in a collated matrix. If return.imputed = TRUE then the object will also contain an "imputed.geno" element.


Julian Taylor, Dave Butler, Timothy Close, Yonghui Wu, Stefano Lonardi


Wu, Y., Bhat, P., Close, T.J, Lonardi, S. (2008) Efficient and Accurate Construction of Genetic Linkage Maps from Minimum Spanning Tree of a Graph. Plos Genetics, 4, Issue 10.

Taylor, J., Butler, D. (2017) R Package ASMap: Efficient Genetic Linkage Map Construction and Diagnosis. Journal of Statistical Software, 79(6), 1–29.

See Also and breakCross


data(mapDH, package = "ASMap")

## bulking linkage groups and reconstructing entire linkage map

test1 <- mstmap(mapDH, bychr = FALSE, = "kosambi",
                trace = FALSE)

## one linkage group at a time (possibly break established linkage
## groups)

test2 <- mstmap(mapDH, bychr = TRUE, = "kosambi", trace = FALSE)

## one linkage group at a time (do not break established linkage groups)

test3 <- mstmap(mapDH, bychr = TRUE, = "kosambi", p.value = 2,
                trace = FALSE)

## impute before clustering and detect genotyping errors, pipe output to
## file

test4 <- mstmap(mapDH, bychr = FALSE, = "kosambi",
                trace = TRUE, mvest.bc = TRUE, detectBadData = TRUE)

[Package ASMap version 1.0-7 Index]