ARCensReg {ARCensReg} | R Documentation |
Censored linear regression model with autoregressive errors
It fits a univariate left, right, or interval censored linear regression model with autoregressive errors under the normal distribution, using the SAEM algorithm. It provides estimates and standard errors of the parameters, supporting missing values on the dependent variable.
ARCensReg(cc, lcl = NULL, ucl = NULL, y, x, p = 1, M = 10,
perc = 0.25, MaxIter = 400, pc = 0.18, tol = 1e-04,
show_se = TRUE, quiet = FALSE)
cc |
Vector of censoring indicators of length |
lcl , ucl |
Vectors of length |
y |
Vector of responses of length |
x |
Matrix of covariates of dimension |
p |
Order of the autoregressive process. It must be a positive integer value. |
M |
Size of the Monte Carlo sample generated in each step of the SAEM algorithm. Default=10. |
perc |
Percentage of burn-in on the Monte Carlo sample. Default=0.25. |
MaxIter |
The maximum number of iterations of the SAEM algorithm. Default=400. |
pc |
Percentage of initial iterations of the SAEM algorithm with no memory. It is recommended that
tol |
The convergence maximum error permitted. |
show_se |
quiet |
The linear regression model with autocorrelated errors, defined as a discrete-time autoregressive (AR) process of order , at time
is given by
where is the response variable,
is a vector
of regression parameters of dimension
, and
is a
vector of non-stochastic regressor variables values;
is the AR error with Gaussian
is the vector of AR coefficients,
is the sample size.
It is assumed that is not fully observed for all
For left censored observations, we have
and ucl=
such that the true value
. For right censoring,
, such that . For interval censoring,
and ucl
must be finite values, such that . Missing data can be defined by setting
and ucl=Inf
The initial values are obtained by ignoring censoring and applying maximum likelihood
estimation with the censored data replaced by their censoring limits. Furthermore, just set cc
as a vector of zeros to fit a regression model with autoregressive errors for non-censored data.
An object of class "ARpCRM", representing the AR(p) censored regression normal fit. Generic functions such as print and summary have methods to show the results of the fit. The function plot provides convergence graphics for the parameters when at least one censored observation exists.
Specifically, the following components are returned:
beta |
Estimate of the regression parameters. |
sigma2 |
Estimated variance of the white noise process. |
phi |
Estimate of the autoregressive parameters. |
pi1 |
Estimate of the first |
theta |
Vector of parameters estimate ( |
SE |
Vector of the standard errors of ( |
loglik |
Log-likelihood value. |
Akaike information criterion. |
Bayesian information criterion. |
AICcorr |
Corrected Akaike information criterion. |
yest |
Augmented response variable based on the fitted model. |
yyest |
Final estimative of |
x |
Matrix of covariates of dimension |
iter |
Number of iterations until convergence. |
criteria |
Attained criteria value. |
call |
The |
tab |
Table of estimates. |
critFin |
Selection criteria. |
cens |
"left", "right", or "interval" for left, right, or interval censoring, respectively. |
nmiss |
Number of missing observations. |
ncens |
Number of censored observations. |
converge |
Logical indicating convergence of the estimation algorithm. |
MaxIter |
The maximum number of iterations used for the SAEM algorithm. |
M |
Size of the Monte Carlo sample generated in each step of the SAEM algorithm. |
pc |
Percentage of initial iterations of the SAEM algorithm with no memory. |
time |
Time elapsed in processing. |
plot |
A list containing convergence information. |
Fernanda L. Schumacher, Katherine L. Valeriano, Victor H. Lachos, Christian E. Galarza, and Larissa A. Matos
Delyon B, Lavielle M, Moulines E (1999). “Convergence of a stochastic approximation version of the EM algorithm.” Annals of statistics, 94–128.
Schumacher FL, Lachos VH, Dey DK (2017). “Censored regression models with autoregressive errors: A likelihood-based perspective.” Canadian Journal of Statistics, 45(4), 375–392.
See Also
## Example 1: (p = l = 1)
# Generating a sample
n = 50
x = rep(1, n)
dat = rARCens(n=n, beta=2, phi=.5, sig2=.3, x=x, cens='left', pcens=.1)
# Fitting the model (quick convergence)
fit0 = ARCensReg(dat$data$cc, dat$data$lcl, dat$data$ucl, dat$data$y, x,
M=5, pc=.12, tol=0.001, show_se=FALSE)
## Example 2: (p = l = 2)
# Generating a sample
n = 100
x = cbind(1, runif(n))
dat = rARCens(n=n, beta=c(2,1), phi=c(.48,-.2), sig2=.5, x=x, cens='left',
# Fitting the model
fit1 = ARCensReg(dat$data$cc, dat$data$lcl, dat$data$ucl, dat$data$y, x,
p=2, tol=0.0001)
# Plotting the augmented variable
data.plot = data.frame(yobs=dat$data$y, yest=fit1$yest)
ggplot(data.plot) + theme_bw() +
geom_line(aes(x=1:nrow(data.plot), y=yest), color=4, linetype="dashed") +
geom_line(aes(x=1:nrow(data.plot), y=yobs)) + labs(x="Time", y="y")
## Example 3: Simulating missing values
miss = sample(1:n, 3)
yMISS = dat$data$y
yMISS[miss] = NA
cc = dat$data$cc
cc[miss] = 1
lcl = dat$data$lcl
ucl = dat$data$ucl
ucl[miss] = Inf
fit2 = ARCensReg(cc, lcl, ucl, yMISS, x, p=2)
# Imputed missing values
data.frame(yobs=dat$data$y[miss], yest=fit2$yest[miss])