ansari.bradley |
Perform Ansari-Bradley test |
app1 |
Data in Appendix 1 |
binom |
Perform Binomial test |
blomqvist |
Calculate Blomqvist coefficient |
bowker |
Perform Bowker's extension of McNemar's test | |
Perform Breslow and Day test |
bs |
Create bootstrap confidence interval |
ch10 |
Data used in Chapter 10 |
ch11 |
Data used in Chapter 11 |
ch12 |
Data used in Chapter 12 |
ch13 |
Data used in Chapter 13 |
ch14 |
Data used in Chapter 14 |
ch15 |
Data used in Chapter 15 |
ch3 |
Data used in Chapter 3 |
ch4 |
Data used in Chapter 4 |
ch5 |
Data used in Chapter 5 |
ch6 |
Data used in Chapter 6 |
ch7 |
Data used in Chapter 7 |
ch8 |
Data used in Chapter 8 |
ch9 |
Data used in Chapter 9 |
chisqtest.ANSM |
Perform Chi-squared test |
cochran.q |
Perform Cochran Q test |
cohen.kappa |
Calculate Cohen's kappa |
conover |
Perform Conover test using standard or squared ranks |
control.median |
Perform Control median test |
cox.stuart |
Perform Cox-Stuart test |
cramer.von.mises |
Perform Cramer-von Mises test |
fishertest.ANSM |
Perform Fisher exact test |
friedman |
Perform Friedman test |
friedman.lsd |
Perform Least Significant Differences test after the Friedman test |
gehan.wilcoxon |
Perform Gehan-Wilcoxon test |
hettmansperger.elmore |
Perform Hettmansperger and Elmore interaction test |
hodges.ajne |
Perform Hodges-Ajne test |
jonckheere.terpstra |
Perform Jonckheere-Terpstra test |
kendall.concordance |
Calculate Kendall's concordance |
kendall.tau |
Perform Kendall's tau |
kruskal.wallis |
Perform Kruskal-Wallis test |
kruskal.wallis.lsd |
Perform Least Significant Differences test after the Kruskal-Wallis test |
kruskal.wallis.vdW |
Perform Kruskal-Wallis test with van der Waerden scores |
kstest.ANSM |
Perform Smirnov test and Kolgomorov test |
lik.ratio |
Perform Likelihood ratio test |
lilliefors |
Performs Lilliefors test of Normality | |
Perform Linear by linear association test |
logoddsratio.2x2 |
Perform Log odds ratio test |
logrank |
Perform logrank test |
mantel.haenszel |
Perform Mantel-Haenszel test |
med.test |
Perform Median test |
mood |
Perform Mood test |
moses.extreme.reactions |
Perform Moses test for extreme reactions |
noether |
Calculate Noether approximation |
normal.scores.test |
Perform Normal Scores test |
oddsratio.2x2diff |
Perform test for difference in odds ratios |
pearson |
Calculate Pearson correlation |
pearson.beta |
Calculate Pearson beta |
peto.wilcoxon |
Perform Peto-Wilcoxon test |
pitman |
Perform Pitman test |
print.ANSMstat |
Prints an ANSMstat object |
print.ANSMtest |
Prints an ANSMtest object |
rng.test |
Perform Range test |
runs.2cat |
Perform Runs test for two categories |
runs.ncat |
Perform Runs test for three or more categories |
sgn.test |
Perform Sign test |
shapirotest.ANSM |
Perform Shapiro-Wilk test of Normality |
siegel.tukey |
Perform Siegel-Tukey test |
spearman |
Calculate Spearman correlation |
spearman.beta |
Calculate Spearman beta |
theil.kendall |
Calculate Theil-Kendall beta |
wilcoxon.mann.whitney |
Perform Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney test |
wilcoxon.signedrank |
Perform Wilcoxon signed-rank test |
zelen |
Perform Zelen test |