ArringtonEtAl2002 {ANOPA} | R Documentation |
Arrington et al. (2002) dataset
The data, taken from Arrington et al. (2002), is a dataset examining the distribution of fishes with empty stomachs, classified over three factors: 'Collection location' (3 levels: Africa, Central/South America, North America), 'Diel feeding behavior' (2 levels: diurnal, nocturnal), 'Trophic category' (4 levels: Detritivore, Invertivore, Omnivore, Piscivore). It is therefore a 3 × 2 × 4 design with 24 cells. The original data set also contains Order, Family and Species of the observed fishes and can be obtained from It was commented in Warton and Hui (2011).
A data frame.
Arrington DA, Winemiller KO, Loftus WF, Akin S (2002).
“How often do fishes “run on empty”?”
Ecology, 83(8), 2145–2151.
Warton DI, Hui FK (2011).
“The arcsine is asinine: The analysis of proportions in ecology.”
Ecology, 92, 3–10.
doi:10.1890/10-0340.1 .
# see the dataset
# The columns s and n indicate the number of fishes with
# empty stomachs (the "success") and the total number
# of fishes observed, respectively. Thus s/n is the proportion.
# run the ANOPA analysis
w <- anopa( {s; n} ~ Location * Diel * Trophism, ArringtonEtAl2002)
# make a plot with all the factors
# ... or with a subset of factors, with
anopaPlot(w, ~ Location * Trophism)
# Because of the three-way interaction, extract simple effects for each Diel
e <- emProportions( w, {s;n} ~ Location * Trophism | Diel )
# As the two-way simple interaction for Nocturnal * Diel is close to significant,
# we extract the second-order simple effects for each Diel and each Location
e <- emProportions(w, {s;n} ~ Trophism | Location * Diel )
# As seen, the Trophism is significant for Noctural fishes of
# Central/South America.