count {AMR}R Documentation

Count Available Isolates


These functions can be used to count resistant/susceptible microbial isolates. All functions support quasiquotation with pipes, can be used in summarise() from the dplyr package and also support grouped variables, see Examples.

count_resistant() should be used to count resistant isolates, count_susceptible() should be used to count susceptible isolates.


count_resistant(..., only_all_tested = FALSE)

count_susceptible(..., only_all_tested = FALSE)

count_R(..., only_all_tested = FALSE)

count_IR(..., only_all_tested = FALSE)

count_I(..., only_all_tested = FALSE)

count_SI(..., only_all_tested = FALSE)

count_S(..., only_all_tested = FALSE)

count_all(..., only_all_tested = FALSE)

n_sir(..., only_all_tested = FALSE)

  translate_ab = "name",
  language = get_AMR_locale(),
  combine_SI = TRUE



one or more vectors (or columns) with antibiotic interpretations. They will be transformed internally with as.sir() if needed.


(for combination therapies, i.e. using more than one variable for ...): a logical to indicate that isolates must be tested for all antibiotics, see section Combination Therapy below


a data.frame containing columns with class sir (see as.sir())


a column name of the antibiotics data set to translate the antibiotic abbreviations to, using ab_property()


language of the returned text - the default is the current system language (see get_AMR_locale()) and can also be set with the package option AMR_locale. Use language = NULL or language = "" to prevent translation.


a logical to indicate whether all values of S and I must be merged into one, so the output only consists of S+I vs. R (susceptible vs. resistant) - the default is TRUE


These functions are meant to count isolates. Use the resistance()/susceptibility() functions to calculate microbial resistance/susceptibility.

The function count_resistant() is equal to the function count_R(). The function count_susceptible() is equal to the function count_SI().

The function n_sir() is an alias of count_all(). They can be used to count all available isolates, i.e. where all input antibiotics have an available result (S, I or R). Their use is equal to n_distinct(). Their function is equal to count_susceptible(...) + count_resistant(...).

The function count_df() takes any variable from data that has an sir class (created with as.sir()) and counts the number of S's, I's and R's. It also supports grouped variables. The function sir_df() works exactly like count_df(), but adds the percentage of S, I and R.


An integer

Interpretation of SIR

In 2019, the European Committee on Antimicrobial Susceptibility Testing (EUCAST) has decided to change the definitions of susceptibility testing categories S, I, and R as shown below (

This AMR package honours this insight. Use susceptibility() (equal to proportion_SI()) to determine antimicrobial susceptibility and count_susceptible() (equal to count_SI()) to count susceptible isolates.

Combination Therapy

When using more than one variable for ... (= combination therapy), use only_all_tested to only count isolates that are tested for all antibiotics/variables that you test them for. See this example for two antibiotics, Drug A and Drug B, about how susceptibility() works to calculate the %SI:

                    only_all_tested = FALSE  only_all_tested = TRUE
                    -----------------------  -----------------------
 Drug A    Drug B   include as  include as   include as  include as
                    numerator   denominator  numerator   denominator
--------  --------  ----------  -----------  ----------  -----------
 S or I    S or I       X            X            X            X
   R       S or I       X            X            X            X
  <NA>     S or I       X            X            -            -
 S or I      R          X            X            X            X
   R         R          -            X            -            X
  <NA>       R          -            -            -            -
 S or I     <NA>        X            X            -            -
   R        <NA>        -            -            -            -
  <NA>      <NA>        -            -            -            -

Please note that, in combination therapies, for only_all_tested = TRUE applies that:

    count_S()    +   count_I()    +   count_R()    = count_all()
  proportion_S() + proportion_I() + proportion_R() = 1

and that, in combination therapies, for only_all_tested = FALSE applies that:

    count_S()    +   count_I()    +   count_R()    >= count_all()
  proportion_S() + proportion_I() + proportion_R() >= 1

Using only_all_tested has no impact when only using one antibiotic as input.

See Also

proportion_* to calculate microbial resistance and susceptibility.


# example_isolates is a data set available in the AMR package.
# run ?example_isolates for more info.

# base R ------------------------------------------------------------
count_resistant(example_isolates$AMX) # counts "R"
count_susceptible(example_isolates$AMX) # counts "S" and "I"
count_all(example_isolates$AMX) # counts "S", "I" and "R"

# be more specific

# Count all available isolates

# n_sir() is an alias of count_all().
# Since it counts all available isolates, you can
# calculate back to count e.g. susceptible isolates.
# These results are the same:
susceptibility(example_isolates$AMX) * n_sir(example_isolates$AMX)

# dplyr -------------------------------------------------------------

if (require("dplyr")) {
  example_isolates %>%
    group_by(ward) %>%
      R = count_R(CIP),
      I = count_I(CIP),
      S = count_S(CIP),
      n1 = count_all(CIP), # the actual total; sum of all three
      n2 = n_sir(CIP), # same - analogous to n_distinct
      total = n()
    ) # NOT the number of tested isolates!

  # Number of available isolates for a whole antibiotic class
  # (i.e., in this data set columns GEN, TOB, AMK, KAN)
  example_isolates %>%
    group_by(ward) %>%
    summarise(across(aminoglycosides(), n_sir))

  # Count co-resistance between amoxicillin/clav acid and gentamicin,
  # so we can see that combination therapy does a lot more than mono therapy.
  # Please mind that `susceptibility()` calculates percentages right away instead.
  example_isolates %>% count_susceptible(AMC) # 1433
  example_isolates %>% count_all(AMC) # 1879

  example_isolates %>% count_susceptible(GEN) # 1399
  example_isolates %>% count_all(GEN) # 1855

  example_isolates %>% count_susceptible(AMC, GEN) # 1764
  example_isolates %>% count_all(AMC, GEN) # 1936

  # Get number of S+I vs. R immediately of selected columns
  example_isolates %>%
    select(AMX, CIP) %>%
    count_df(translate = FALSE)

  # It also supports grouping variables
  example_isolates %>%
    select(ward, AMX, CIP) %>%
    group_by(ward) %>%
    count_df(translate = FALSE)

[Package AMR version 2.1.1 Index]